Editorial policy
At Riftfeed, we're dedicated to delivering the most up-to-date and precise League of Legends news and guides. Building a solid editorial foundation is crucial to ensure that all Riftfeed users receive reliable and top-notch content. To provide insight into how we produce content, we aim to be transparent about our team, processes, and work ethics, spanning research, editing, and publishing.
Researching And Fact-Checking
In an age where the internet is inundated with fake news, transparency in information sourcing has never been more crucial. At Riftfeed, we uphold a rigorous fact-checking process to ensure the utmost accuracy in our content. Each article undergoes thorough proofreading by our experienced editorial team. When you read a Riftfeed article, you can trust it's grounded in verified information. We approach gaming with a commitment to honesty, and integrity is the bedrock of our work.
Our articles always provide clear source references, whether through links, press releases, or social media embeds, empowering you to delve deeper independently. Moreover, we distinguish between facts, opinions, and rumors, like leaks that are often unverifiable, so you can readily discern confirmed information, personal analysis, and unsubstantiated claims.
We Meet You At Eye Level
At Riftfeed, our readers mean the world to us. That's why we don't approach League of Legends from a top-down perspective; we aim to connect with you on equal footing. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, our content is tailored to benefit everyone, and our writing style is crafted to be accessible to all.
We take intricate subjects and simplify them, making sure they're comprehensible to every Riftfeed user, both current and future. We value your insights and are constantly eager to bond over our mutual love for League of Legends.
We Write For Readers, Not For Algorithms
While algorithms used by platforms such as Google and Meta certainly have their significance, our utmost priority is you – our users. We create content with your needs and interests in mind, guaranteeing that each news piece and guide fulfills a specific purpose. We place quality above all else, delivering articles that enlighten and assist.
We genuinely appreciate your presence within the Riftfeed community. Your unwavering support inspires us daily to produce meaningful content that truly makes a difference.
If you want to give us feedback, feel free to contact us anytime via [email protected].