LoL: New Primal Ambush Skins - Everything You Need To Know | RiftFeed

LoL: New Primal Ambush Skins - Everything You Need To Know

Skins 16-01-2024 12:45

It's time to check out what new LoL skins will be heading to the rift soon. You can get excited about some sweet Primal Ambush Skins in 2024. The first completely new skin line of 2024.

Primal Ambush Riven 2
Its the best feeling when your main gets a new skin. | © Riot Games

Primal Ambush is a brand-new skin line in 2024. It features obvious animalistic influences from tigers and jungle animals in general. Since all the champions featured in this skin line use actual weapons and not magic, they have a very brawl-y feel to them.

Which Champions are getting Primal Ambush Skins, and how much will they cost? 

LoL Primal Ambush 2024 Skins: All Confirmed Champions & Cost

Primal ambush sivir
Sivir will also be getting a Primal Ambush Skin. | © Riot Games

Riot has already revealed all the Primal Ambush Skins. The champions are:

Skin NameChampionPrice
Primal AmbushRiven1350 RP
Primal AmbushTalon1350 RP
Primal Ambush Vi

1350 RP

Primal Ambush


1350 RP

Primal Ambush Vi
This Vi skin looks really cool. | © Riot Games

Release Date For The Primal Ambush Skins

The Primal Ambush Skins will be purchasable in Patch 14.2 so get your wallets ready soon.

More League of Legends:

Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...