The Top Lane Tier List of Patch 14.13 | RiftFeed
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LoL: Top Lane Tier List For Patch 14.13

Champions 27-06-2024 17:30

There were quite a lot of changes in LoL Patch 14.13, but how have these insane item adjustments affected the top lane? Let's check it out. 

Riftfeed Top Header
Who will be the best three Top Laners for 14.13? | ©Riot Games

This League of Legends patch saw some major adjustments to champions like Skarner, Trydnamere and Twisted Fate which will impact the top lane. Skarner, a jungler, has been too dominant in the top lane, hence why Riot is trying to make changes so he doesn't dominate that position anymore. 

So let's check out the top lane tier list and which champions reign supreme in LoL Patch 14.13. 

Top Lane Tier List: S-Tier Top Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14.13

Top lane has quite a bit of variety, so we'll be talking about the best champions to play in the top lane among all the viable champions!

3. Malphite

Volibear has become the ultimate damage dealing tank in the top lane with this LoL Patch. He currently sits at the top with a win rate of 52.00%. 

Odyssey malphite
Malphite is so good right now. | © Riot Games


Malphite wants to build tank items, so go for Sunfire Aegis first for some armor. Add in Thornmail to keep yourself safe while also having some anti-heal in your back pocket, which is always useful and good to have. 

Malphite's third item is going to either be Kaenic Rookern or Frozen Heart, depending on who your lane opponent is. 

Power Spikes:

Malphite is not the best early game top laner. But that's okay, because his mid game more than makes up for it. In the mid game you'll be split pushing, while your team is off getting advantages elsewhere. But you're so tanky and strong you don't need any allies around, and you can take towers without worrying about dying Nice. 


Gragas is the best counter. So make sure to ban the big guy if you're playing Malphite, because he's extremely annoying to lane against. 

Good Synergies:

Pick something in the jungle with a large AoE and some form of CC when your top laner is Malphite. Why? Because it's the perfect setup for a wombo combo. 

2. Garen

Garen is currently one of the best champions in the game with a win rate of 51.66%.

Garen and Wukong Battle Aca skins
Garen is a great top laner, especially for lower elo players. | © Riot Games


Garen is a great fighter in the top lane. With some dueling items, you're going to be able to dominate any match up with ease. Make sure to pick up Stridebreaker first, it's his best item, and add in Phantom Dancer second for added movement to chase down enemies. Then, your third item can be situational, but if you want to surprise enemies, Infinity Edge works extremely well. Of course, you can go more conventional and save with things like Dead Man's Plate or Force of Nature as well. 

Power Spikes:

Garen is strong throughout the early and mid game. He can skirmish well, win most duels. He does fall off in the later stages of the game, but most solo queue games won't last that long, so you're good to go. 


Ranged top laners and other skirmishers will trouble Garen. Avoid picks like Twisted Fate, Urgot and Camille when you pick Garen. 

Good Synergies:

Roaming mid laners like Naafiri work well with Garen since they can help him gain the upper edge in the top lane to push forward. AP junglers like Fiddlesticks are also always appreciated by Garen mains.

1. Sett

Sett is the final boss of top lane and is sitting at a 51.48% win rate.

Soul Fighter Sett
Sett is the end boss of the top lane. © Riot Games


Sett should be building Tiamat first and then sit on it for a while. Stridebreaker is a great second option with the new Overlord's Bloodmail after that. 

Power Spikes:

Sett is a strong lane champion who is able to sustain through small skirmishes from the get-go, but you'll want to wait until level 3 to have all your abilities ready. 


Long ranged champions like Vayne and Teemo should be avoided at all costs. 

Good Synergies:

Sett can be paired with a lot of different champions. When facing ranged opponents, go for a jungler with CC and mobility, but you can also pick something supportive like Ivern to help him out and get him fed early. 

Top Lane Tier List in LoL Patch 14.13: The Other Top Lane Champions

14 13 top lane tierlist
Sorry we couldn't find a tierlist with a new Skarner image.

While the S-Tier Top Laners tend to be the best, there are still a lot of excellent picks in case these champions aren't available. Let's also take a look at some bottom-tier champions, which you should take note of and avoid!

The A-Tier Top Picks Of LoL Patch 14.13

If you're not a fan of the S-tier picks, or they are banned, this is where to look. The A-tier champs are good but don't warrant nerfs, so they are usually about the same.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Aatrox 49.81% 10.32%


51.08% 5.84%

Dr. Mundo

51.81% 4.95%



The A-tier has a lot of variety. You've got skirmishers and late game picks like Camille, but also some tanks int here like Zac and Shen. It seems like there is a lot of variance in the meta right now with a lot of different options viable for you to try out. 

The F-Tier Top Picks Of LoL Patch 14.13

If you want to win, just stay away from these champions, basically no point in playing them unless you're a one-trick. 

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Udyr 47.38% 0.63%
K'Sante 46.17% 3.86%
Skarner 44.66% 3.35%



Riot tried to give K'Sante some love, but the moment they give him an inch he takes over the meta within seconds, so he is going to be confined to the F-tier once more. 

Skarner, while he was good in the top lane, has also fallen off due to continuous nerfs. So just avoid him at all costs and don't try him in the jungle either.  

More League of Legends:

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...