The Mid Lane Tier List for Patch 14.12 | RiftFeed
Control Mage, Assassin, Hyper Carry? We got it all in this Patch 14.12 Mid Lane Tier list.

LoL: Mid Lane Tier List For Patch 14.12

Patch Notes 13-06-2024 16:20

Hi guys. I searched through a lot of statistics, so you don't have to. This one is about the mid lane and let me tell you, the champion at the top of our mid lane tier list is actually just cracked right now.

Mid Tierlist Riftfeed
Who will be the best mid laner in Patch 14.12? | ©Riot Games

Naafiri received some buffs in LoL Patch 14.12, and Void Staff got some major buffs for more magic penetration. How did all these changes impact the current League of Legends meta in the mid lane?

Let's go over the champions in the mid lane so you know who to pick and who to avoid at all costs in LoL Patch 14.12. 

Mid Lane Tier List: S-Tier Mid Lane Picks Of LoL Patch 14.12

3. Vex

Vex is in our top three, sitting at a win rate of 52.14%.

Empyrean Vex
Vex is finally getting her time to shine. | © Riot Games


You'll want to get Luden's Companion first and then get yourself some magic penetration with Shadowflame. Your third item can be situational so you can go for Zhonya's or Rabadan's or even Cryptobloom. 

Power Spikes:

She is best in the mid game since you'll be able to fight around objectives with her and also threaten globally with your ultimate. 


Ekko and Zoe are super annoying to play against. So it's best to just avoid them as Vex. 

Good Synergies:

Nocturne is a fun champion to pair with Vex since their ultimates can be paired together and can wreak havoc on Summoner's Rift. Players can also go for a Poppy for some good solid support as well. 

2. Sylas

Sylas is winning our hearts in LoL Patch 14.12 with a solid win rate of 51.02%.

Project Sylas
Sylas is such a good pick in the current meta. | © Riot Games


Pick up Lich Bane first. From there you should get Shadowflame and then a Death Cap. This is the strongest build with the most damage possible and will cement you as the strongest champion on Summoner's Rift. Thanks to Sylas' sustain, he also can't be killed when he's skirmishing. 

Power Spikes:

Sylas might struggle early, especially when he goes up against ranged opponents, but once you're out of the laning phase, and he's got his ultimate he becomes very dangerous. That is when you roam the map to wreack havoc all over the place. 


The best champions to pick into Sylas are tough tanks in the mid lane who can out sustain him. Pick Gragas or Tryndamere and you won't have problems. 

Good Synergies:

Sylas is a great pick with heavy skirmishers in the jungle. Pick Udyr, SKarner or Kayn and you will win any match up. 

1. Garen

Yes... Garen is the best mid laner in the meta right now, with a solid win rate of 56.33%.

Mecha kingdoms garen prestige edition splash art
Garen is just OP in both top and bot this time around. | © Riot Games


Garen mid or top, you'll go for the same build either way, but his strongest is by far with Stridebreaker first into Phantom Dancer and finally Infinity Edge. This guild has everything you'll want as Garen and will work in both top and mid lane. 

Power Spikes:

Garen has a decent early game, but his mid game is when he is the strongest. His ultimate is a huge power spike and something to watch out for. 


Make sure to ban Azir or Kassadin when you pick Garen since you can just get burst down even as a tanky skirmisher. 

Good Synergies:

Udyr, Zac and Ekko have some of the best win rates with Garen in the mid lane. Udyr and Zac are also quite tanky, meaning it'll be hard to take these duos down. Ekko has insane burst who can help kill enemies when he comes in for a gank.

Mid Lane Tier List in LoL Patch 14.14: The Other Mid Lane Champions

While the S-Tier mid laners tend to be the best, there are still a lot of perfect picks in case these champions aren't available. Let's also take a look at some of the bottom-tier champions, which you should take note of and avoid!

14 12 mid lane tier list
The best mid laners. | © Riot Games

The A-Tier Mid Picks of LoL Patch 14.12:

If you're not a fan of the S-tier picks, or they are banned, this is where to look. The A-tier champs are good but don't warrant nerfs, so they are usually about the same.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate







You have a little bit of everything in the A-tier this time around. Assassin's, mages and even melee skirmishers. It seems that the mid lane is a free for all these days with a lot of different picks to choose from. Naafiri also just received some jungle-oriented buffs which have made her pretty strong and raised her play and win rate, especially in lower elos right now. 

The F-Tier Picks of LoL Patch 14.12:

If you want to win, just stay away from these champions, basically no point in playing them unless you're a one-trick.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate





Corki in the mid lane has died. His entire kit was changed a few patches ago, making him a bot laner instead of a mid laner. His AP damage was taken out of his kit and replaced with AD. So we must say goodbye to mid lane Corki for now... 

Kassadin, Ziggs and Jayze should just be ignored and avoided in the mid lane. At least for this patch. 

More on League of Legends:

Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...