Unpopular LoL Champions: One New Champion Is Rarely Played | RiftFeed

Unpopular LoL Champions: One New Champion Is Rarely Played

Champions 27-06-2023 19:05
League of Legends Group
This champion is the least popular in their role. | © Riot Games

Some League of Legends champions are way better than others right upon release. Others get forgotten right away and most of the new champions are just broken. 

One champion though seems to have been forgotten upon their release and no, for once we are not talking about Rell, instead it's another champion that players just don't seem to play, pick or ban. 

LoL Players Wonder What Happaned To This Champion

Admiral Renata
Renata is missing! | © Riot Games

Recently, a thread on Reddit went viral in which a player asks about Renata Glasc and whatever happened to her in the current state of the game. She was released a little over a year ago and nothing seemed to be inherently wrong with her kit, but players are still missing her. 

She has becoe one of the least played champions in the entire game, even with her win rate still being over 50%. This goes to show that she isn't weaker than other champions, she's just not played as much, with most rarely getting to see her on Summoner's Rift. 

Why is that though? Well, most players believe that she is a rather niche champion, who works in specific scenarios, and is rather weak in other ones. For example, she is a great champion into enemies with hard engage and resets, but that's about it. 

She isn't a champion you'd easily blind pick, unlike other support champions who you can pick into anything, like Milio. So, some players will refrain from playing her since they won't know what they're up against. 

Her kit also isn't the easiest to execute, and landing your Q hook or timing your W are crucial when playing her. Many players feel they can't do this properly and therefore go for easier options as well. 

Overall, there is nothing wrong with Renata, she is just a very niche and situational pick and in the current meta she doesn't work all too well. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...