League of Legends: Reasons Why You Should Main Sett | RiftFeed

League of Legends: Reasons Why You Should Main Sett

Champions 25-07-2024 14:00

Sett has become one of the most interesting champions in League of Legends. In solo queue, he has a high ban rate, while we rarely see him in professional play. But what makes him so hated and yet so popular? 

Spirit Blossom Sett
Leaugue of Legends: Reasons Why You Should Main Sett. | © Riot Games

Sett was released in 2020 and has since become one of the most memorable and iconic champions on Summoner's Rift, especially in solo queue. He is quite popular amongst top laners, while also enjoying quite a high ban rate, meaning others also don't want to face the Boss on the rift. 

But, what reasons are there for you to switch away from your boring Garen gameplay and become a Sett main instead? Well, there are actually quite a few reasons why you should become a Sett main, and we're going to list a few of them. 

League of Legends: Why You Should Main Sett

4. He Is Versatile

Not only is Sett one of the best top laners, but the champion is also quite versatile. Throughout the last few years, the champion has seen play in multiple roles, with Riot even trying to give him some jungle experience as well. It makes him a versatile and fun pick and a great flex. 

Sett Firecracker Skin
Sett is just a great champion in any role. | © Riot Games

You can use him as an engage support, and he's even seen a stint in the mid lane, where he was even quite popular in professional play. Of course, he is best in the top lane, but if you want to try a champion that can be flexed into other roles, then there are few who have as many different positions available to them as Sett. 

3. His Playstyle Feels Like A Fighting Game

Of course, we have to look at his playstyle and what makes it so attractive for players. Sett has a unique playstyle that rivals fighting games thanks to his left and right punches. When he was in development, Riot was testing whether they can actually have you control his punches, but dropped the idea. Yet, the essence is still a part of his kit, which makes it really fun and unique. 

Soul Fighter Sett Splash
Who wouldn't want a champion like Sett on their team? | © Riot Games

Not only that, but players are asked to take risks with Sett, which is quite fun to play around the edge of life and death. Pulling out the Haymaker at the last moment and then having your opponents go from full health to almost dead is just so satisfying, all while you gain a shield protecting yourself. It's a fun and unique playstyle that gives Sett a fun edge over the competition. 

2. His Kit Is Simple

Sett is also not the type of champion that requires a PhD to learn all the abilities and moves – looking at you Hwei. Instead, he's a very simple and straightforward champion with a short and sweet passive. His abilities also don't take long to understand. Sett goes punch punch... press Q, and he punch punches fast again. EZ GG. 

Heartsteel Sett
Sett has so many cool skins and his kit is so simple. | © Riot Games

Weaving in empowered Q's between auto attacks, while also farming, is quite fun. Sett is a straightforward champion who can be learned quite quickly, but then to master him, especially against unfavorable match ups is going to be hard, which is where the fun comes from. 

1. Sett Has Gotten More Skins Than Any Other Champion

Sett has been around since 2020 and in that timespan he's received more skins than other champions that were added to the game back in 2010. His immense popularity and great looks have made him quite attractive for the skins team in League of Legends, which means he's one of the champs with the fastest growing skins catalog. 

Dragonmancer Sett
All his skins are incredible. | © Riot Games

All the different looks mean you are spoiled for choice when it comes to your looks in the game, and make Sett stand out. Honestly, if you want to spend a lot of money, then Sett is a great champion, because all his skins are amazing and unique. So, for all the fashionista's out there, become a Sett main. It's very simple. 

More League of Legends:

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...