LoL: Victorious Skin for Season 12 Revealed | RiftFeed

LoL Victorious Skin Revealed | End of Ranked Season 12

Skins 02-11-2022 16:55
Victorious Sejuani
Just looks at her! | © Riot Games

Riot will be ending the Ranked Season 12 quite soon. The date is set, so it's time you get that latest Victorious skin. Lets check out everything we know about the next upcoming League of Legends season and when the current one will end. 

Worlds 2022 is up and running, reminding us that the current season is about to end, and you better get out of silver soon to get the new Victorious skin for the season. To qualify for a Victorious skin, you must reach at least gold at the end of the ranked season. 

LoL Season 12: When Does The Ranked Season End? 

The season is going to last until November 14, at 11:59 PM of your local server time. After that you won't be able to play any more ranked games in either solo queue or flex queue. On November 16, 2022 the LoL Patch 12.22 will drop with all the upcoming preseason changes as well so we're going to have a lot of changes heading our way. 

So, before the end of the season it's time to get all the LP possible so you can earn yourslef a Victorious skin. Last year the honour of Victorious skin went to none other than Blitzcrank, this year it's Sejuani. Are you excited for this skin? But other than the skin you'll be able to get more things as well. 

All Season 12 Ranked Rewards

Depending on your highest rank in Season 12 of League of Legends these are the rewards you can get: 

  • Iron: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Bronze: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Silver: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Gold: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Platinum: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Diamond: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Master: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Grandmaster: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals
  • Challenger: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma, Champion Series 1 Permanent Eternals

Riot Reveal League of Legends Victorious Skin 2022

In the previous year we got a support champion as a victorious skin and in the year before then we had Lucian as a bot laner. The only position that was still missing was the jungle. So, Riot is delivering, thank you! 

This year we're going to be getting a jungle champion skin and honestly, it looks fire. Sejuani is the recipient of the skin this year. Depending on your rank ofthe 2022 season you'll also be getting chromas for the skin. 

Requirements to Be a Victorious Skin Candidate

In order or be a Victorious skin candidate, Riot Games has certain requirements for the champions. 

First and foremost, the champion in question should have had a "big competitive impact so far that year - this is largely based on Ranked and Pro play". 

In addition to the main requirement, Riot Games also has a list, eliminating specific candidates who:

  • Play the same role as a recent Victorious Skin: Since Blizcrank was last season, Riot will try to avoid picking another Support this year.
  • Already have a Victorious, Championship, or Conqueror skin: This means we won't see a Blitcrank get another Victorious skin even though we could see the champion move up to the top lane. Also, champions who already have a Championship skin, like Yuumi, are affected by this. 
  • Have another skin coming out soon: Riot Games always tries to spread out their skin content across the whole champion pool instead of dropping a bunch of skins for one champion at once.
  • Have a tiny number of skins: This one is a bit strange, but basically, Riot Games explains that they would not want a player to feel like the only skin available for their favorite champion available is a skin that not everyone can get.
  • Have a big balance change incoming: This is the criterion Riot is struggling with the most because it is hard for them to predict which champions will need to have a balance change far ahead in the future.
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Maia Jacobsen

Hi I'm Maia, a recent University graduate from Norway, ready to work in the media field and becoming a key player in the esports and journalism sphere. That's why I started working here at Riftfeed as a content intern before...