League of Legends: The Hardest Top Lane Champions to Master | RiftFeed
Riven? Riven.

League of Legends: The Hardest Top Lane Champions to Master

Champions 15-03-2024 12:09

There are so many champions in League of Legends, but which ones are the hardest to master?

Prestige K Sante
Now who is the most difficult champion. | © Riot Games

We've looked at some of the easiest champions in the top lane already, but today we want to dive deeper into the difficult champions. If you want to master these top laners, you'll have to play countless hours of League of Legends – without getting tilted – just to get a grasp on their kit. 

So, which champions require you to do more than just to 'spin to win' in the top lane? How long will it take to master any of these champs? Well then, let's check out which three champions are the hardest to master in the top lane! 


The Most Difficult Top Lane Champions in League of Legends

3. Gangplank 

Gangplank can dish out insane damage numbers thanks to his AoE damage and his global ultimate, but until you get to that point of mastering him you'll likely suffer quite a bit. Why? Because the combos you need to learn with him take time. 

Dreadnova Gangplank
Watch where you place the canon barrage. | © Riot Games

Gangplank isn't a tank, which make shim quite squishy, especially early on. The early game is his weakest phase, so you'll have to play safe. Also, don't play him into extremely mobile champions like Riven. Combine him with team combs that can follow up on his initial damage or let him one-shot opponents with his barrels. 

What makes him so difficult though? You'll have to learn how and where to place the barrels to get your combos rolling. Also, your ultimate also has to be placed in the right position, otherwise you're just wasting it. You'll need a lot of game sense to truly master him, but it's worth it in the end. 


2. K'Sante

K'Sante is one of the newer champions on Summoner's Rift and while his kit isn't the hardest to grasp, you will need a lot of game sense to be able to master this champion in the top lane, which is what makes him such a difficult champion to play. 

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K'Sante has a somewhat simple kit, but a lot of skill expression even though he is considered a tank. You aren't playing one single role with this champion, since his ultimate can transform him into a squishy skirmisher and this change in role is what makes him difficult to maser, especially for newer or lower elo players. You also need to communicate with your team to time 'the switch' well. 

If you ult at the wrong time or ult the wrong target then you're done for. Therefore, it's important to have an eye on the surrounding situation before you use the ultimate. Sometimes your team will need you to stay a tank, and other times you'll be the main carry.

1. Riven 

Did you guys think any other top laner would be on the number one spot? Riven is probably the most intense top lane champion with the hardest learning curve, but boy, once you've learned how to play her you'll only play Riven. She is so fun once you get the hand of all the combos and possibilities her kit offers. 

Lol arcade riven
A good Riven looks so cool. | © Riot Games

Riven is a high damage and mobile champion in the top lane. She can have many roles, depending on what build you go for. She can quickly outplay opponents once you've figured out which attack patterns work best for her. Until then you'll likely jump into a fight and die, since Riven has no sustain tools. 

She is a bit squishy early on, but once you've got your Goredrinker you'll be able to hop into danger and combo your abilities together to quickly kill your opponents. No champion feels as rewarding to master as Riven, due to her long learning curve. If you've got the patience and time, main her and no one can catch up to you! 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...