LoL: Rumble Is Broken, But You're Just In The Wrong Elo | RiftFeed

LoL: Rumble Is Broken, But You're Just In The Wrong Elo

Champions 16-02-2024 11:24

Rumble has been a pretty staple pro pick for quite a while now but in most players eyes he is actually pretty bad. 

Cafe Cuties Rumble
Rumble has some really nice skins. | © Riot Games

If you start looking at Rumble statistics, there is this really cool phenomenon. If you check his win rate in gold you can see that he is actually one of the worst top laners you can pick, but if you look at his diamond+ win rate he is suddenly top tier. 

His win rate difference is almost 5% between the two elos going from 47% to 51%, but how is that possible? Shouldn't the games be easier in lower elos?

LoL: Why Rumble Can Be Tricky

Badlands Rumble
Did you know: Rumble has a crush on Tristana. | © Riot Games

Rumble has a very special mechanic called heat. Instead of a mana or energy bar, he has a heat bar that fills up with spell usage. This heat bar is really the secret to his success. Whenever you get over a certain heat, all your abilities gain extra effects like bonus damage. If you fill up this heat bar completely then you are overheated meaning you actually cannot use any abilities, but suddenly you gain extra attack speed and deal massive on hit damage.

The management of this heat bar can prove to be quite hard and takes a bit of time and learning, and this really is what separates the bad from the good and the good from the great rumble players. Using all your abilities to heat up and get into overheat just at the right time after your combo can be detrimental to win your lane. 

Rumble needs quite a bit of game sense as well. With an ult as strong as Rumble's you need to actively participate in team fights to close out games, which can be tricky for lower elos. 

In general, the champion looks pretty simple, but has loads and loads of nuances that need to be perfected to play Rumble at a good level. This proves to be quite hard for players that are just having fun, but is a nice little challenge for people that want to up their game.

Have you seen any Rumble in your games? He is quite a rare pick! 

More League of Legends:

Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...