Off Meta Builds - Korean Ivern Top Lane | RiftFeed
Ivern is kind of creepy, isn't he?

Off Meta Builds - Korean Ivern Top Lane

Guides 03-07-2023 23:57
Ivern 0
There is something unsettling about human eyes on an inhuman face | © Riot Games

League of Legends champions each have a role and a class assigned to them, and sometimes Riot like experimenting with mixing them up, such as creating an assassin support, or an enchanter jungler.

However, it seems that Ivern is only now catching up to the meta we had at the start of the year when enchanters were dominating the top lane. His playstyle is a bit different, though, and far more annoying.

So, here is another Korean off-meta build that will get you the W and enrage your enemies!

How Does Ivern Top Work?

Ivern, as a champion, has two things going his way that every other jungle champion or ranged champion has when played in the top lane. He is, obviously, ranged, and his early stats are suited for jungle scaling, which is usually better than early lane scaling.

However, if that was all, this build would not be getting so much traction. Instead, Ivern has some of his more personal advantages.

Ivern Top Lane - Runes

There are two ways to go about Runes when playing Ivern top lane. The first would have you use the usual Aery route, one used in the jungle as well, which offers Ivern a better early-game harass.

However, we would recommend the PtA route, as it offers a far bigger power spike at level 6, to catch your opponents off-guard, while also offering good enough harass if you're good enough to proc it.

  • Precision
    • Press the Attack
    • Presence of Mind
    • Legend: Alacrity
    • Last Stand
  • Domination
    • Cheap Shot
    • Ultimate Hunter

With Daisy capable of proccing Press the Attack, at level 6, Ivern top is more than capable of beating any top lane champion.

Ivern Top Lane - Build Path

Ivern is a ganking jungler, who would usually go along the route of Night Harvester, and then follow it up with supporting items. Top lane Ivern, on the other hand, seeks to run his opponents down and push lanes aggressively.

This is done through his core build, consisting of Rod of Ages, Cooldown Boots, and Nashor's Tooth.

Elderwood Ivern Splash
This feels like Ivern's final form | © Riot Games

Daisy can proc the effect of both of these items, so, along with Ivern's W auto-attack and shield burst slows, Daisy's attacks will slow enemies as well, while Both Ivern and Daisy will proc Nashor's Tooth on towers, blasting through them as quickly as Yorick.

Ivern Top Lane - Gameplay

Ivern top lane has three counterplays, which consist of Rengar, Olaf, and having his Ultimate on cooldown.

Other than those, Ivern is more than capable of bullying any champion into giving up level 3 advantage, by harassing them with his range. If you're playing into an enemy that will engage at level 1, such as Tryndamere, start his E.

Against less threatening enemies, start W, for extra harass. Using its passive to last hit will allow you to gain level 3 prio, which you can use o either gan a kill or force an opponent out of the lane.

Dunkmaster ivern
When against Darius, we recommend this skin | © Riot Games

If you're playing into an opponent with a good gap-closer, use your Q point-blank range, then right-click. This causes an interaction where, instead of sending you toward the enemy champion, it sends you to your maximum attack range, allowing for an easy disengage.

At level 6, summon Daisy while inside the bush, and thus out of vision, to give enemies less time to react, and when diving an enemy, wait for you cannon minion to take aggro, and stay out of tower range, since the tower won't switch aggro to Daisy while the cannon minion is alive.

Once you've got your core build, Daisy's cooldown will be close to the 60-second mark, so make sure to use Daisy to push lanes, as you'll be able to summon her seconds after her full duration expires.

Rijad Kamberovic

Graduating from Sarajevo university in 2020, with a Bachelor's Degree in Islamic Theology, I never believed that my fascination with comparative religions and their myths would mesh so well together with the fantasy genre of the video games I play....