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League of Legends: 5 Things You Need to Know When Playing an Enchanter Support

Guides 14-05-2024 17:10

Enchanters are a sub class in League of Legends and they're some of the most fun champions in the game. But what do you need to know when you want to start playing these fun new champions?

Dragon Trainer Lulu
League of Legends: These are some key tips. | © Riot Games

Even though many consider enchanters to be one of the easiest things you can play in the game, you often hear pro players saying that it is easy to spot a bad enchanter from a good one. Yes, you could argue that as long as you heal your ADC, you will contribute to the game, but as suprising as might be, if you really want to excel in the role, there is more to it. 

Now, if you are maining enchanter supports don’t expect a lot of gratitude from your teammates. Basically, your job is to make your ADC shine and not yourself, so if you are looking for praise, this ain't it. 

Before we go into five things to keep in mind when playing enchanter support, we first want to bring up an aspect that is important no matter which supports you play - warding. Knowing where to ward is such a simple thing that can really improve your game. 

League of Legends: Things You Need To Know Before Picking Enchanters

Milio Splash Art
Milio was the first male enchanter Riot made. | © Riot Games

1. Don't Leave Your ADC Hanging Early - Play Aggressively

This might seem counterintuitive for many of you... As an enchanter, you aren’t exactly known for being the tankiest champion. Now, I am not saying that you should go hard mode on the enemy Blitzcrank, but you still want to peel for your beloved ADC. It is not rare to see enchanters that are too scared and play too far back, resulting in no pressure for your lane. 

You can poke pretty safely by watching your own minions' health bars. By doing this, you will be aware of when the enemy ADC will go in to last-hit the minion, which again gives you an opportunity to poke because know that their main focus will be on your minion and not you. 

Space Groove Nami
Nami and Lucian, who has not heard of this combo? | © Riot Games

It is still very important to remember that you are very squishy and good positioning is essential. Make sure you are close enough to get in your poke, but not any closer. You can figure this out by looking at your poke abilities range when hovering over it and getting used to your auto attack range.

2. Focus On The Poke Ability In The Beginning

This one goes a bit further into the first point. Basically, poke is very essential early in the game and to gain lane dominance. With your support item you'll also want to get some good poke in to earn some money early. 

 This is why you should, after opening your three main abilities, level up your poke ability (like Sona's or Soraka's Q) to level three before maxing your healing/shielding ability. This allows for a pretty passive bot lane to gain some kill pressure and poke down the enemy ADC such that your lane gains the health advantage

3. Know When To Use Your Spells

Sona gallery
Sona is simple yet so effective. | © Riot Games

We have gone through your poke abilities already, so let's now turn our attention to another core aspect of your champion - your heal/shield abilities and disable skills. 

As an enchanter, you are bound to have some abilities that either heal or shield your ADC. These abilities can really be a game changer, and you'd be surprised how many people underestimate this ability. Things like the Janna shield are always good to have, but many players tend to overuse it early. Make sure not to always spam your shield, but rather look at when an enemy is engaging or poking your ADC and react accordingly. You don't want to waste a perfectly good shield if the enemy isn't even attacking. 

Many enchanters also have some sort of disabling spell, like Soraka's E or Lulu's W. These should also not be spammed. In a team fight, many have a tendency to disable the enemy champion straight up in your ADC's face, which is usually the tank. Even though that might help you a bit, rather try to look at the enemy champions and spells and identify which ones are the biggest threats to your team. Try then to save your disabling spell for those champions. 

Spirit blossom soraka
Soraka is one of the best enchanters in the game. | © Riot Games

A good example here is Soraka's E against a Malzahar. Imagine Malzahar going into the team fight to ult your ADC, if you don't have your silence at that moment cause you wasted it earlier for some poke, you are not able to do anything other than wait for the ultimate to be over and try to heal meanwhile. If you had your E at that moment, you would have immediately canceled his Ultimate, and your ADC would be free to go.

3. The Map Is Your Best Friend

Yes, helping your ADC to gain a lead is, of course, a good thing. But sometimes a strong bot lane just isn’t enough to win the game if the other lanes are struggling, sorry. Being open to leaving your ADC for a while to help other lanes is, therefore, essential, especially in high Elo. 

Janna Steel Valkyries Prestige
Janna is another great enchanter in League of Legends. | © Riot Games

Roaming well can only be achieved if you have good map awareness. If you see that jungle is about to invade mid lane, don’t be afraid to join the party if you can get there in time (boots are also your friend). All in all, knowing if you should stay or not might take some time to get the hang of, but once you have gained the intuition, it will pay off.

5. You Are Not The Engager 

In case you have forgotten, you are not tanky!!! Yes, flashing in with Lulu and ulting yourself to knock up all the enemies might look cool and sometimes even work out, but let's not forget our main job. Later into the game, your main job is to protect and buff your carries. This is a job not done in the middle of all the enemies but in the safe space, which is the backline

And with that, you know of five aspects to keep in mind when playing enchanter support. If you are interested in more guides, you can check out:

More League of Legends:

Maia Jacobsen

Hi I'm Maia, a recent University graduate from Norway, ready to work in the media field and becoming a key player in the esports and journalism sphere. That's why I started working here at Riftfeed as a content intern before...