LoL Patch 13.8 Will Try To Shift Lillia Into New Build | RiftFeed
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LoL Patch 13.8 Will Try To Shift Lillia Into New Build

Patch Notes 17-04-2023 16:55
Nightbringer Lillia
LoL Patch 13.8: Lillia is getting some buffs this patch, but will she be OP? | © Riot Games

Lillia isn't faring the best in the top lane or the jungle right now, which is why Riot has decided to buff her in League of Legends Patch 13.8. Even with many of her competitors nerfed in previous patches she has still been struggling.

So, Riot will try to buff her, but some fans worry that she is going to be too fast and too tanky for them to do anything against this cute little deer on Summoner's Rift. 

LoL Patch 13.8: Fans Worried About Lillia's Jak'Sho Build

With Lilllia getting buffed in the upcoming fans, some players were quite worried about the state she would be in, especially with how good she was when building Jak'Sho

Thankfully, Riot haven taken this into account and Riot Phreak went on Reddit to explain that the team will be shifting her healing out of base and into AP ratios in LoL Patch 13.8. This means players will want to build her more squishy, rather than tanky to make the most of her kit. 

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Lillia currently sits at a 49% win rate in Platinum+ with a mere pick rate 2.3% in the jungle. That's why Riot is going to be giving her some much-needed buffs. 

Her passive is going to get some love with the monster damage cap increased, as well as adjustments to her healing to scale off her AP ratios. Hopefully these changes make Lillia's win rate rise since she is a unique and fun champion. 

Lillia isn't the only champion with major changes in LoL Patch 13.8:

Of course, these changes won't have too much of an effect on her in the top lane and are more focused on her jungle role. Top lane Lillia mains will just have to wait a little longer for more buffs in the future. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...