LoL: The Potential Final Ashen Knight Skin Was Leaked | RiftFeed
Who will get the final Ashen Knight skin?

LoL: The Potential Final Ashen Knight Skin Was Leaked

Skins 11-11-2022 14:55
Lord Mordekaiser Skin
Will Ashen Knight Mord just look like this, but cooler? | © Riot Games

Finally, it seems like Riot understand that what players want from their Ashen Knights is not abs and nonexistent shirts, but a real dark knight fantasy from the Middle Ages. At least with the potential leaked champion this could become a reality. 

With the second and third skin flopping hard after a strong start with Pyke, it looks like Riot is going to try to give the player base what they want with their mythic skin, but will this be the final Ashen Knight skin we're ever going to get in League of Legends? 


The Next LoL Ashen Knight Leaked

The next champion to receive an Ashen Knight skin, according to known leaker BigBadBear is going to be none other than Mordekaiser. This skin will hopefully break the curse of ugly helmets, lack of chain mail and abs. The champion is made out of pure metal more or less already so it can't be that hard, right Riot? 

The skins team also didn't take player feedback into account after the disaster that was Ashen Conqueror Pantheon and made the exact same mistakes with Ashen Slayer Sylas again just three months later. So, we do think that the skins team now had enough time to realize what the community wants this skin line to represent. 

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 Future of Ashen Knight Skin Line

The future of this skin line seems pretty good. While Mordekaiser will be the final skin in the rotating mythic skin line, it could make a return as a regular skin line in 2023. Hopefully the Mordekaiser skin will garner enough attention from fans and players to warrant Riot making more skins like this. 

The reveal of Pyke had been a huge success, making it one of the best skins of the year and if Riot was to keep the other skins going like this one as well, then they'll be able to have one of the best skin lines out there. 

Ashen Knight Mordekaiser Potential Release Date

The Ashen Knight skins, as of now, are part of the mythic shop and rotate every three months. With Ashen Knight Sylas having been released in LoL Patch 12.18, which is in September, we should expect the next skin to be released in December 2022. 

Unfortunately, we will only have one patch in December which is Patch 12.23. With preseason, as well as Christmas, the next patch will only be in 2023 – Patch 13.1. So, Riot can either release the skin early in Patch 12.23 or they will wait until Patch 13.1 in January. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...