LoL Players Believe New Pings Might As Well Not Exist | RiftFeed
RIP New pings!

LoL Players Believe New Pings Might As Well Not Exist

More 16-06-2023 17:25
General wukong
LoL Pings, why do we need them? | © Riot Games

At the start of the League of Legends season, Riot introduced some new pings to try and encourage better communication between teammates, without having to add voice chat, something the company is strictly against. 

Now the community has revealed what they truly think of these pings and well.. Sorry Riot but it seems that the community is not on board with the pings just yet... well except for one, but that isn't being used for its intentional purposes now is it, eh? 


New LoL Pings Are Barely Used

One League of Legends player has posted on Reddit and started the discussion around the brand-new pings that Riot added to the ping wheel at the start of the 2023 League of Legends season. In the post they wrote that they feel these pings are basically pointless since they don't pay attention to them, especially the objective vote pings. 

I only use the new pings by accident. When someone else uses them I also wonder if it's accidental. Also the objective voting was just dead on arrival. It wasn't used at first and it's not used now. Overall, just a failed addition to the game sadly. Nothing would change if it was removed tbh.

Many other players echoed this sentiment, feeling like they're not even using the new pings so why should they even be included in the game. With the old wheel having been around for so long, many have gotten used to the ping system and it's hard to unlearn. 

There are other players though who do like some of the new pings like the push ping which has helped them out in lane a few times. 

Of course, not all of the new pings are used as intended, with the bait ping being one of the newest ways to be toxic with their allied players. 

It seems that players feel like the objective votes are more useless than the ping wheel changes, but both still require players to get used to them, even if it's been over half a year at this point. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...