LoL Preseason 2024: Will Riot Be Changing The Map? | RiftFeed
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LoL Preseason 2024: Will Riot Be Changing The Map?

More 30-05-2023 19:00
Steel Valkyries Nasus
LoL Preseason 2024: The midseason update has some interesting lines in there... | © Riot Games

Riot just released their newest Quick Gameplay Thoughts blog post in which some of the devs went over the changes that currently took place on Summoner's Rift with the League of Legends Midseason Update. In it, they also mentioned top and mid lane dissatisfaction. 

This dissatisfaction with top and mid lane has been an issue for a while, but the balance team did state that there seems to be a single way to fix this and it doesn't involve just buffing and nerfing a few items... 

Top And Mid Lane Dissatisfaction At All-Time High

In the most recent Quick Gameplay Update, the devs went over all the recent changes in the Midseason Update and why they made all these adjustments to items. Another issue that was quickly touched upon in the intro was the top and mid lane dissatisfaction. 

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We want to acknowledge and say that we agree with feedback that top lane and Mage mid experiences aren’t great at the moment.

They then continue to write that much of the issues stem not from the current item situation, but also due to the map design, which means that junglers are more likely to gank these lanes (or forget about them). 

Therefore, just changing some items around for mages and top laners won't be sufficient enough in making changes to these roles. That's why there have to be bigger changes to the game to improve the mage or top lane experience for players. 

... we don’t believe champions buffs and items alone are sufficient as we think a lot of the problems are tied to the innate map design that were not solvable for Midseason

While Riot did buff Rabadon's and made some top lane changes like the buff to the Teleport Summoner Spell, there have to be even more major changes, like map design which need to be looked at to completely give mid and top laners what they want. 

One of the things mentioned was re-designing the map, so we could see some huge changes this off-season. After 13 years a new map... is that even feasible? 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...