This is the Most Expensive Game Content in League of… | RiftFeed

This is the Most Expensive Game Content in League of Legends

More 24-12-2022 12:00
League of Legends Kai Sa
You won't ever dream of getting this emote! | © Riot Games

Have you been looking for something to gift your League of Legends obsessed friend? Their main champion is Kai'Sa? Well then have we got something for you, but you're going to have to fork over some serious cash if you want to get this. 

This is probably the most expensive in-game content in all of League of Legends. Yes, there are skins that are super rare and go for thousands of bucks on the market, but this is a price set by Riot themselves... and it's for an emote. Kind of.

Most Expensive In-Game Content is an Emote

 The title says it all... the most expensive in-game content you can get from Riot is none other than a single little emote. This is such a rate emote that you also probably never even encountered it before, since well... people would have to pay some hefty prices for it. 

Basically, Riot created a Kai'Sa statue, the 'Kai'Sa Ultimate Statue' which can be purchased in the Riot online merch store. This is a physical statue to put in your room, but when you buy it you get a little extra for your in-game content as well to show off that you've gotten this unique statue and that is the 'I won't back down' emote. 

So, how much does this puppy cost? A grand total of $799. You'll have to pay basically 800 bucks, excluding shipping prices to get the statue and earn the right to flash your fancy Kai'Sa emote. 

Not everyone has eight-hundred dollars just lying around, but we do have to say that the Kai'Sa Ultimate Statue is pretty nice and probably one of the best pieces of Riot merch out there, but... that price is a bit too steep. 

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...