LPL Players Likely Won't Be Playing Korean Solo Queue in… | RiftFeed
After a lot of backlash...

LPL Players Likely Won't Be Playing Korean Solo Queue in 2023

Esports 22-12-2022 16:00
Jackeylove TES 2022
After backlash the last two years Riot could make some changes. | © Riot Games

Earlier this year, LCK players spoke out against the rampant inting that was happening on their solo queue server. As it turned out some of the serial offenders were none other than LPL or LDL players which only soured the already strained relationship between Korean and Chinese players. 

The situation got to a point where even Faker spoke out against the situation of Korean solo queue. Well, now it seems like in 2023 LPL players won't be getting accounts for Korean solo queue. 


Riot Working on Similar Concept as Champions Queue for Chinese Players 

In a recent stream by EDG jungler Zhao "Jiejie" Li-Jie he mentioned that LPL players might not be playing on the Korean Server starting next split. Instead, it seems like Riot is working on a server like Champions Queue which the players already experienced at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship for Chinese players. 

Champions Queue has been discussed on multiple occasions, with players complaining that queue times are too long in NA due to a shortage of players. Would this type of a system work in China? 

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It seems that fans do feel more hopeful about a Chinese version of Champions Queue than they do about the NA one. During the 2022 League of Legends World Championship, many Chinese players utilized it to practice ahead of their important games. Players also didn't have to deal with griefers or inters since Riot knew who was on the server since it is only accessible through invitation. 

This change would also benefit LCK players who have complained about griefers and inters from China on their server. Especially high profile players like Faker had to encounter inters on a constant due to solo queue betting issues.

This has not been confirmed by Riot yet though so we will have to see whether a Chinese Champions Queue will be implemented for the high ranking pro players, LDL players. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...