LoL: Riot Announced Huge Changes On The LCS | RiftFeed

LoL: Riot Announced Huge Changes On The LCS

Esports 13-12-2023 17:00

Riot Games has announced a new schedule and a new Commissioner of the League for the 2024 Season.

Mark Z
Mark "MarkZ" Zimmerman is the new Commissioner of the LCS. | © Riot Games

The LCS in America recently got a new Commissioner after Jackie Felling resigned in April. The new Commissioner is Mark “MarkZ” Zimmerman, and he's in charge of overseeing the entire League Championship Series. His main focus is to make sure that fans, players, and all participating teams have a great experience.

LoL: MarkZ As The New LCS Commissioner

Zimmerman reports to Carlos Antunes, who is the Head of League of Legends Esports in the Americas. Together, they work on creating the vision and strategy for the LCS. Antunes sets the strategic vision and business strategy, while Zimmerman concentrates on building the vision and operation strategy.

MarkZ started his career with a Bachelor's degree in Game Design and Development from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He began in Esports as an analyst and coach for Curse and Team Liquid in 2014, later transitioning to being an on-air caster and analyst for the LEC in 2016.

According to Antunes, MarkZ brings a unique perspective to the league due to his varied roles in his career. They are excited to see his passion and deep knowledge of the LCS in his new role as Commissioner.

MarkZ expressed his honor in representing fans, players, teams, and partners as the LCS Commissioner. He mentioned dedicating a decade to the LCS and is committed to exploring new and innovative ways to create the best viewing experience for fans, aiming to inspire the community to celebrate the sport for generations to come. 

Riot Changes The LCS Schedule

LCS Arena
More fans will be able to watch the league now. | © Riot Games

In response to feedback, Riot has announced a return to the original weekend schedule for the LCS, starting with the Opening Week on January 20 and 21, 2024. This change aims to make it easier for fans to follow the league closely. Antunes mentioned more exciting updates on the schedule and format will be revealed in early January.

Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...