This was by far the longest beta ever...
League of Legends Finally Comes Out Of Beta!
League of Legends by Riot Games is a great MOBA game, which had its announcement on October 7, 2008. This was followed by the first beta release on October 27, 2009. So many years have passed, and we haven't heard much since then, whereas today it happened.
But today we received news that after almost 14 years, our iconic competitive game is coming out of beta. This is definitely the longest beta in the history of the gaming world.
League of Legends Finally Comes Out Of Beta!
Bugs and glitches in the game? Unbalanced champions? Unknown damage? You can say goodbye to all of these.
A new era is coming today, with Riot releasing a huge update that introduces surprising changes while bringing League of Legends out of Beta.
Among other things, all bugs will be fixed, and champions such as Yuumi and Yasuo will be removed from the game. An interesting change is also being introduced, when for not blaming your teammates on ranked games, it adds you an extra +15 LP for lost game.
- A great glass that every time, will remind you of every lost ranked!
These changes pushed Riot Games to decide to release League of Legends from beta.