LoL: Smurfs Run Rampant - It's Too Easy To Buy Accounts | RiftFeed
Another week and another complain thread about smurfs

LoL: Smurfs Run Rampant - It's Too Easy To Buy Accounts

News 20-06-2023 14:10
Soaring sword fiora
LoL Players just love to complain about smurfs. | © Riot Games

League of Legends and smurf accounts, name a better duo. Throughout LoL Season 13 one term has come up more often than any other and that is the inclusion of smurf accounts in League of Legends. 

Players complain on a weekly basis about these accounts and how toxic they are, since players don't care about these accounts getting banned by Riot Games. One of the biggest issues is the ease with which players can get their hands on these accounts. 

LoL Smurf Accounts: It's Too Easy To Buy Accounts

Even though buying accounts is wrong and actually not allowed by Riot Games, there are hundreds and thousands of websites on which players can pick up brand-new level 30 accounts to hop into solo queue when their main account is losing more LP than gaining.

It's also insanely easy for account sellers to level up these accounts, which is why there are so many available level 30 accounts on Summoner's Rift. Seriously, are there any AI games that don't include a leveling bot these days? 

Riot had removed Twisted Treeline years ago due to bots running rampant in the game mode, but that has not stopped those leveling accounts from getting their accounts to level 30 so they can quickly and easily sell them for extremely low prices. 

It isn't just that smurf accounts exist, most players are annoyed with how toxic the players are that use their smurf accounts. Banning and reporting them doesn't seem to work, since this isn't their main account, so they don't care about honor level (but let's be real who does care about honor level) or any other form of rewarding 'good behavior'. 

Some people on Reddit have also put the blame on the current culture of League of Legends. When things aren't going well on their main account, players are encouraged by others to simply go and purchase a new account so they can smurf on lower elo players. 

This attitude has some people feeling like it's just become socially acceptable within the LoL community that buying accounts when things aren't going your way is just a thing now. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...