Are you dominating the mid lane with these champs in Patch 11.22?
Mid-Patch 11.22 Tier List: Mid Lane
The Mid Lane meta remains an extremely diverse place. So many different champions are viable in this role! If you're trying to find the best mid laners to climb with in LoL Patch 11.22, we got your back with this list!
Luckily, several champions like Talon, Qiyana, and Tryndamere have all taken direct or indirect nerfs that reduced their dominance in the mid lane. These balance changes have made it possible for other champions to thrive.
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Who Are Our S-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 11.22?
- Vex - Win Rate: 50.7%, Pick Rate: 7.4%
- Akshan - Win Rate: 52.3%, Pick Rate: 3.5%
- Katarina - Win Rate: 50.7%, Pick Rate: 7.5%
- Vladimir- Win Rate: 52.0%, Pick Rate: 5.4%
Vex continues to dominate the mid lane, but halfway through LoL Patch 11.22, we have a new challenger for the top spot, which is none other than Vladimir. He's got insane sustain and can live through the lane phase with ease. His ultimate is great for teamfights as well making him an insanely strong pick right now.
Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 11.22?
- Fizz - Win Rate: 51.4%, Pick Rate: 3.9%
- Talon - Win Rate: 51.5%, Pick Rate: 2.8%
- Zed - Win Rate: 50.3%, Pick Rate: 8.8%
- Corki - Win Rate: 52.9%, Pick Rate: 2.0%
- Anivia- Win Rate: 51.7%, Pick Rate: 3.2%
Anivia stands out with her win-rate here, but unfortunately a relatively low-pick rate. She is a great and safe pick so try her out this patch. Fizz is another fun pick for the current meta and you get the bonus of insta-tilting opponents at the sight of the trickster.
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Who Are Our F-Tier Mid Laners in LoL Patch 11.22?
- Syndra - Win Rate: 47.6%, Pick Rate: 4.5%
- Orianna - 47.5%, Pick Rate: 3.3%
- Diana - 49.2%, Pick Rate: 1.0%
- Azir - Win Rate: 46.7%, Pick Rate: 1.4%
- Neeko - 50.3%, Pick Rate: 0.7%
- Ryze - Win Rate: 43.9 %, Pick Rate: 3.1%
As usual, our friend Azir makes the list due to his unplayable nature in Solo Queue. His late-game scaling friend Ryze has joined him in F-Tier due to an absolutely horrendous win-rate of 43%! Just don't touch these champions unless your name is ShowMaker.
This is the current state of the mid lane in LoL Patch 11.22! Which champions do you think will be broken next patch?
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