LoL Patch 12.16 | Udyr Rework, ARAM Changes & More | RiftFeed
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LoL Patch 12.16 | Udyr Rework, ARAM Changes & More

Patch Notes 25-08-2022 19:59
Janna Steel Valkyries Prestige
This is how I feel about this patch as well Janna... | © Riot Games

It's time we check out the newest League of Legends patch! The biggest update of them all? Finally, Riot has released the long-awaited Udyr Visual and Gameplay update. No more waiting, just playing and with this new iteration of Udyr it's finally fun to play the mountain man from the Freljord once more. 

Seriously though, with the 2022 League of Legends World Championship getting closer and closer – we already have a date for ticket sales – more and more changes are being made geared towards the pro scene instead of solo queue. So, what has happened in this patch? Let's check it out! 


Yuumi Hotfix in Micropatch

Yuumi was nerfed this patch, which is all fine and good, but just a day later Riot is already buffing her since the nerfs were too much for the cat to handle. So, what exactly did Riot buff? 

  • Q Base Damage (unempowered): 50/80/110/140/170/200 ⇒ 50/90/130/170/210/250
  • Q Base Damage (empowered): 60/100/140/180/220/260 (+2/3.2/4.4/5.6/6.8/8% of the target's current health) ⇒ 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+3/4.2/5.4/6.6/7.8/9% of the target's current health)
  • R Cooldown: 130/110/90 seconds ⇒ 110/100/90 seconds

Fizz Visual Update

Okay let's start off with a quick and easy update which is Fizz and how Riot have decided that some of his abilities need a bit of a makeover. So, they've given him a small VFX update to clear up some abilities and make them easier to spot. Especially the fish being whipped at you with his ult, right? Sadly it wasn't an update to delete him... 

  • Base: Complete overhaul
  • Atlantean Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Tundra Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Fisherman Fizz: Same as base, but with a custom R and W
  • Void Fizz: Complete overhaul
  • Cottontail Fizz: Complete overhaul
  • Super Galaxy Fizz: Complete overhaul
  • Omega Squad Fizz: Changes on Q and R mirroring new base, new W passive marker
  • Fuzz Fizz: Changes on Q and R mirroring new base, new W passive marker
  • Prestige Fuzz Fizz: Changes on Q and R mirroring new base, new W passive marker
  • Little Devil Fizz: Changes on Q and R mirroring new base, new W passive marker

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New Rotating Game Mode

We have been playing Summoner Spellbook for a while now, but it seems like Riot has something else up their sleeve for the last two weeks of the game mode. This is what Riot had to say about this new game mode: 

  • Each game of Ultimate Spellbook will have a small chance for a particularly silly type of game to occur. When it does it’s weighted in favor of having a particularly large impact on the game that we can’t wait for you to FEAST your eyes on!

Udyr Rework Live in LoL Patch 12.16

Finally, the long-awaited Udyr rework is going to hit live servers and with it we are going to get a look at his new abilities, new skins and new lore. Everything is new, but just how much better is this champion now from before? He's still got his four unique stances, got the consistent close ranged brawling abilities, and overall he just looks much better. 

Let's quickly go over his abilities and what exactly Riot has changed and whether this is really an improvement. 

Passive - Bride Between
  • Static Cooldown: 50/40/30/20 (based on Level
  • Awakened Spirit: Udyr has noultimate ability and instead has 4 basic abilities. Each ability grants a Stance that empowers his next two basic attacks and grants an additional effect. Switching Stances will replace the empowered attacks from the previous Stance, and incurs a 1.5-second global cooldown on his other abilities. Periodically, while a Stance is on cooldown, Udyr can recast the ability after 0.25 seconds to enter an Awakened Stance, refreshing the cooldown and the Stance with bonus effects.Awaken is placed on cooldown at the start of the game.
  • Monk Training: 

After casting an ability, Udyr empowers his next two basic attacks within 4 seconds to gain 30% bonus attack speed and refund 5% of Awaken's total cooldown.

Q -Wilding Claw
  • Cost: 45-28 (based on level) Mana
  • Cooldown: 6
  • Cast Time: None
  • Effect Radius: 450
  • Udyr gains a burst of attack speed and his next two attacks deal bonus physical damage.
  • Awakened: Udyr gains even more attack speed, and his next two attacks chain lightning off the target, bouncing up to 6 times. Lightning can strike the same target multiple times, dealing heavy damage to isolated targets.
W - Iron Mantle
  • Cost: 45-28 (based on level) Mana
  • Cooldown: 6
  • Cast Time: None
  • Udyr gains a shield and his next two attacks restore health.
  • Awakened: Udyr gains a bigger shield, his next two attacks heal even more, and he restores a percentage of his max health over the next few seconds.

E - Blazing Stampede

  • Cost: 45-28 (based on level) Mana
  • Cooldown: 6
  • Cast Time: None
  • Target Immunity: 6 / 5.7 / 5.4 / 5.1 / 4.8 / 4.5
  • Udyr gains a burst of move speed. His first attack against each target while in this stance lunges a short distance and stuns them (per-unit cooldown).
  • Awakened: Udyr gains even more move speed and briefly becomes immune to crowd control.
R - Windborne Storm
  • Cost: 45-28 (based on level) Mana
  • Cooldown: 6
  • Cast Time: None
  • Effect Radius: 370/1300
  • Udyr temporarily summons a storm around him that slows and damages nearby units. His next two attacks cause the storm to pulse, dealing bonus magic damage.
  • Awakened: Udyr unleashes the storm, causing it to deal additional damage and chase after nearby enemies.

ARAM Update in LoL Patch 12.16

We also have to take a look at the huge ARAM changes that are going to be coming this patch. Some of our favorite ARAM champions will be cut down a peg, because they have just been a little too strong lately, right? So, which champion got nerfed and which got buffed in LoL patch 12.16? 

ARAM Champion Nerfs

Champions like Swian and Seraphine seem incredibly strong in ARAM, hence why they're having some of their power cut. Those aren't the only ones though, since Riot is nerfing a total of 21 champions in this patch for ARAM. 

ChampionARAM Nerfs in LoL Patch 12.16
Aatrox+5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken ⇒ +5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken
Ashe-15% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken ⇒ -15% Damage Dealt, +15% Damage Taken
Caitlyn-5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Fiddlesticks-5% Damage Dealt
Gangplank+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken ⇒ 0% Damage Dealt, 0% Damage Taken
Gwen+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken ⇒ 0% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Heimerdinger-6% Damage Dealt, +6% Damage Taken ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken
Karthus-10% Damage Dealt ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Lee Sin+10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken, +20% Healing, +20% Shielding ⇒ +5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken, +20% Healing, 0% Shielding
Leona+5% Damage Taken ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Maokai-20% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken ⇒ -20% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken
Miss Fortune-10% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +15% Damage Taken
Renata Glasc-5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken, -20% Shielding
Renekton+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken, +20% Healing ⇒ +5% Damage Dealt, 0% Damage Taken, +20% Healing
Senna-3% Damage Dealt ⇒ -6% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Seraphine-15% Damage Dealt, +15% Damage Taken, -40% Healing, -40% Shielding ⇒ -15% Damage Dealt, +20% Damage Taken, -40% Healing, -40% Shielding
Singed-10% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken
Swain-5% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken ⇒ -10% Damage Dealt, +15% Damage Taken
Taric+5% Damage Taken
Volibear-5% Damage Taken ⇒ 0% Damage Taken


+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken ⇒ 0% Damage Dealt, 0% Damage Taken

ARAM Champion Buffs 

On the other hand we've had champions like Akali or Gnar who just haven't been cutting it when you did roll them in an ARAM. Too bad you couldn't re-roll and that Janna main didn't give yo their champion for you. So you're stuck with this champion... but maybe these buffs will help you out? 

ChampionARAM Buffs in LoL Patch 12.16
Akali+10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken ⇒ +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
Akshan+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken
Bel'Veth+5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
Diana-5% Damage Taken
Ekko+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken
Elise+8% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
Evelynn+10% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken ⇒ +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
Gnar-5% Damage Taken
Kha'Zix+10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken ⇒ +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken, +20% Healing
LeBlanc+10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken ⇒ +20% Damage Dealt, -20% Damage Taken
Lulu+5% Damage Dealt
Nocturne+10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken, +20% Healing ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken, +20% Healing
Pyke+5% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken
Quinn+8% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
Sona-5% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken, -40% Healing, -40% Shielding ⇒ -5% Damage Dealt, +10% Damage Taken, 0% Healing, 0% Shielding
Tryndamere+10% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken, +20% Healing ⇒ +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken, +40% Healing
Yorick-5% Damage Dealt, +5% Damage Taken ⇒ 0% Damage Dealt, 0% Damage Taken
Yuumi+3% Damage Dealt ⇒ +5% Damage Dealt


+5% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken ⇒ +15% Damage Dealt, -15% Damage Taken


+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken ⇒ +10% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken

Adjustments in LoL Patch 12.16 for ARAM

Two items are being adjusted and Bard is also going to see some changes when it comes to ARAM this patch. 

  • Guardian's Orb: 40 AP ⇒ 50 AP
  • Guardian's Hammer: 10% Lifesteal ⇒ 7% Lifesteal
  • Bard: Chime Spawn Rate - 40 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds

There you have it, all information you want and need regarding any and all champion balance changed for this patch. But if you want every single exact number, then make sure to read our PBE article (we linked it up top) where we outline what changes every single champion got on Summoner's Rift this patch, not just in ARAM.

Steel Valkyries Nasus
This is a pretty epic skin. | © Riot Games

New Skins in LoL Patch 12.16

Of course, we also have to mention the newest skins in League of Legends, right? It isn't League without some cosmetics. So, which champions got skins this time around? Four champions and we are also getting a small event to celebrate these new skins and the new prestige for Janna.

  • Cyber Halo Janna
  • Cyber Halo Janna Prestige Edition
  • Strike Commander Camille
  • Strike Paladin Lucian
  • Armored Titan Nasus

These are all the highlights of LoL Patch 12.16. Who else is excited for the Udyr rework and all the updates we're getting? Hopefully Udyr can be seen at Worlds 2022, but Riot hasn't revealed whether he will be disabled or not during the tournament. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...