LoL Patch 12.4 All Buffs and Nerfs | RiftFeed
Patch 12.4 will end Janna!

LoL Patch 12.4 All Buffs and Nerfs

Patch Notes 09-02-2022 17:00
Battle Queen Janna
Janna is going to be a little less OP. | © Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 12.4 is just around the corner. We will finally have this awful top lane meta crushed with some nerfs to enchanter items in the solo lanes, but which champions will be getting nerfed along with it? Nami? Sona? Janna?

We’re going to go over all the prospective changes in the upcoming League of Legends patch and going over all the details that Riot has revealed thus far. Which champion do you want to see buffed?

System Changes in LoL Patch 12.4

In Patch 12.3 Riot decided to revamp the top lane meta. They changed all fighter items and nerfed the health and durability in them, replacing it with more damage. This means fighters will hit harder, but be punished for bad engages.

But that won’t be addressed in Patch 12.4. Instead, a new foe has appeared and Riot will be forced to make changes to enchanters with support items in the solo lane. Movement speed and vision have enabled them to roam between the mid lane and bot lane, completely breaking the meta.

Therefore, Riot will be implementing some changes that will likely force enchanters back into the bot lane. Especially with a champion like Renata Glasc being released quite soon.

Support Item Sololane

  • Minion Farming Penalty: 4 minions per minute >>> 2 per minute until 5m, 4 per minute rest of game
  • Farming Penalty is more severe early
  • CS Bounties now adjust based on the number of income items on each team
  • Objective Bounty gold leads are halved when you have two or more support items on a team
  • Objective Bounty Linger: 15s >>> 5s

Champion Buffs in LoL Patch 12.4

11 champions are currently on the buff list for the next patch. We’re excited to see Amumu and Neeko get some love, since they’re both champions that have such low play rates that can’t even give players any stats on them.

These are all champions receiving buffs in Patch 12.4:

  • Aatrox - Sweet Spot Damage Amp: 50% >>> 60%
  • Illaoi - AS/Ratio: 0.571 >>> 0.625 and W Max Health Damage: 2% per 100 AD >>> 4% per 100 AD
  • Amumu - E DR: 2/4/6/8/10 >>> 5/7/9/11/13
  • Ashe - R Missile Speed: 1600 >>> 1500 + 200/s (max 2100)
  • Lucian - Q Mana cost: 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 48/56/64/72/80
  • Kalista - Armor: 21 >>> 24
  • Xayah - E Crit Damage Multiplier: 0.5% per 1% Crit Chance >>> 0.75% per 1% Crit Chance
  • Sett - HP/lvl: 93 >>> 100
  • Rumble - Armor: 31 >>> 36
  • Neeko - Hitbox Size Hitbox Size: 80 >>> 65, Q Additional Pop Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 40/65/90/115/140 and W Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 >>> 16/15/14/13/12
  • Nami - E [Nerf Revert] Magic Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 >>> 25/40/55/70/85

Champion Nerfs in LoL Patch 12.4

Master Yi is getting nerfed? Why? Other champions like Vayne, Kayn and Hecarim aren’t being nerfed though? There are a few champions that seem much more intrusive in solo queue than Master Yi. Let’s see what Riot does with the champ though… perhaps delete him completely from the game? 

These are all champions receiving nerfs in Patch 12.4:

  • Dr. Mundo - AD/lvl: 4.2 >>> 3.5 and R CD: 110/100/90 >>> 110 at all ranks
  • Qiyana - P Bonus AD Ratio: 55% >>> 40%
  • Veigar - Armor: 23 >>> 21 and Armor/lvl: 3.75 >>> 4, as well as, E Cooldown: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 >>> 20/18/16/14/12
  • Blitzcrank - HP Regen: 8.5 >>> 7.5
  • Nunu & Willump - Q Healing from Champions: 80% >>> 60%
  • Master Yi - Investigating more targeted changes, nothing this patch

Now one champion we have to highlight is Zeri who seems to be getting a whole rework only a few weeks after her release: 

These are the new Stats to Zeri's abilities once LoL Patch 12.4 goes live: 

  • Q - Burtst Fire
    • Uncharged right click damage: 15-40 (+4% AP) >>> 10-25 (+3% AP)
    • Uncharged right click low health mult: 4x >>> 6x
    • Right click Slow duration: 1.5s >>> 1s
    • Right click Slow amount: 20-40% >>> 14-50%
    • Base damage: 10-30 >>> 9-25
    • Base damage can now crit
    • Excess AS to AD conversion: 50% >>> 60% (70% efficiency >>> 84%)
  • W - Ultrashock Laser
    • Cooldown: 10 >>> 13-9
  • E - Spark Surge
    • Cooldown: 23-17 >>> 23-19
    • CD reduction per champion hit with an attack or ability: 1.5s >>> 1s
  • R - Lightning Crash
    • Attack speed: 30-40% >>> 30%

When is LoL Patch 12.4 Going Live?

The patch will be going live on February 14, 2022. Along with the above-mentioned buffs and nerfs, we will also be getting a whole new champion in the bot lane! So everyone, get ready because Renata Glasc is making her way onto Summoner’s Rift!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...