LoL Patch 12.03 Highlights | RiftFeed
Everything that happened this patch!

LoL Patch 12.03 Highlights

Patch Notes 02-02-2022 15:00
Janna crystal rose
Just look at this angel. | © Riot Games

Fighters as we know and love will have a difficult time after League of Legends patch 12.03. But a lot more changes hit the rift with this update. Let’s go over the biggest highlights of LoL Patch 12.03!

Will Ahri play the same? What happened to the Zeri nerfs from the B-Patch? So many questions, and we’ve got all the answers for you right here. If you’re looking for a full recap of LoL Patch 12.03, then check out our Buffs and Nerfs article as well!

Ahri Rework in LoL Patch 12.03

We have mentioned it a few times already in previous articles, but Ahri received a rework to her kit this patch. Her ultimate now has a partial reset and some of her burst was toned down. Does this mean she isn’t worth playing? Not at all.

Ahri has actually become much better and she will be a strong and fun pick in the mid lane again. For any Ahri main this means you’ll be able to abuse her passive, elongate her ultimate and rush around the map raking in kill after kill.

Zeri Nerfed Again

So, Zeri was nerfed halfway through her debut patch. That’s normal, Riot will often hotfix a few things when new champions get released. But, that’s not the end of her nerfs. No, players have been abusing Zeri with Trinity Force and Riot has had enough.

Therefore, some of her base stats have been lowered and her ultimate magic damage can now crit. What does this mean for you guys? Well, she is likely going to actually build crit items now instead of bruiser items.

Speaking of fighter items let’s move onto another huge change that came in LoL Patch 12.03…

Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao
What will Xin Zhao do after patch 12.03? | © Riot Games

Fighter Items Updated in LoL Patch 12.03

The fighter class has been a bit too strong over the last few months. Riot has tried toning back the HP and damage output, but small changes haven’t done much, which means they’re taking drastic measures which will influence League of Legends as we know it.

The balance team has chosen to take away the health from fighter items and exchanged it for damage. Therefore, players will be able to get kills, but they’ll be much squishier than before. This will have a huge impact especially on ‘light fighters’ like Xin Zhao and Fiora.

For any juggernauts, you’ll have to look at legendary items to gain that HP back, because most of the mythic items have had their HP cut drastically. This change will not only have an effect on the top lane though, jungle fighters will also be less tanky after this patch.

Vel’Koz Visual Update

Vel’Koz might not have needed a visual update, but he got one. The giant eyeball from the Void is looking great, just as before, but his abilities have become more accurate thanks to the visual update. So keep playing him in the mid lane and as a support!

Of course, it wasn’t just his base that was reworked to have his hitbox correct, but some of his skins were also adjusted. These are the skins that also got a visual rework:

  • Battlecast Vel’Koz: Some cleanup
  • Arclight Vel’Koz: Cleanup and new E indicator
  • Infernal Vel’Koz: Minor tweaks and new E indicator
  • Blackfrost Vel’Koz: Minor tweaks and new E indicator

Those are all the big changes that came with this patch. Get ready for Patch 12.04, because Renata Glasc will be making her way to the rift and she looks like one scary boss lady!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...