League of Legends Patch 12.10 is here. We've been discussing just how big of a patch this is for a while now. Durability is up, meaning that fights will last longer and champions will have an actual chance to survive even against champions like Katarina and Zed.
But what are the biggest changes? What are the key points? Let's quickly go over some of the biggest changes that will have an effect on your solo queue games. Are you excited for these durability changes?
LoL Patch 12.10 Stat Package for Champions
Almost every champion has received a stat package from Riot. There is the exception of Thresh, who thanks to his passive can infinitely scale armor, hence why he did not receive the armor growth package. Sorry Thresh mains, you won't be getting some of these buffs, but he's still one of the best support champions out there, so this shouldn't impact your gameplay too much.
These are the stats every champion received with the durability update:
Base Health: +70
Health Grwoth: +14
Armor Grwoth: +1.2
Magic Resist Growth: +0.8
Champion Healing/Shielding Reduced
Every champion that had some form of heal or shield in their kit has also received some nerfs. The list is long and extensive, so if you're looking for your specific main and their counters, then check out the official League of Legends Patch notes.
Healing and shielding has been reduced due to the higher durability champions have. Therefore, healing had to be reduced, otherwise champions just wouldn't die if Riot kept those stats the same as before when abilities dealt more damage.
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Neutral Objective Changes in Patch 12.10
Systems Damage Increase
It's just like the title says. Neural objectives will hit a little harder in League of Legends Patch 12.10. This will affect turrets, as well as Baron Nashor. But don't worry minion damage from turrets stays the same, which means you won't have to re-learn how to farm under tower.
Baron Nashor
Attack Damage:125 (+8 per minute) ⇒ 150 (+10 per minute)
Of course, there are more systems in League of Legends that will have to be changed in Patch 12.10. Ocean Soul and Mountain Soul have innate healing, as well as a shield respectively. And since Riot is nerfing all shields and heals in League of Legends those also need to be changed, right? Right.
There are a multitude of runes in League of Legends that also have innate healing and shielding. You guy probably get the drift already, right? It's time for these to also be nerfed by Riot for this durability update! So, which runes were affected by these changes?
Now that we have taken a look at all the different runes and champion changes in League of Legends, it's also important to know which items are going to be completely different in League of Legends Patch 12.10. Of course, items with life steal and healing will be nerfed, but there are a few more item changes on the list, so let's quickly go over them.
Grievous Wounds Items
Changes in Patch 12.10
Bramble Vest
Thorns- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Oblivion Orb
Cursed- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Thorns- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Grievous Wounds upon immobilizing champions: 60% ⇒ 50%
Mortal Reminder
Sepsis- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Sepsis- Grievous Wounds after 3 attack against champions: 60% ⇒ 50%
Chempunk Chainsword
Hackshorn- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Hackshorn- Grievous Wounds on target with less than 50% max health: 60% ⇒ 50%
Executioner's Calling
Rend- Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Affliction - Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Affliction- Grievous Wounds on target with less than 50% maximum health: 60% ⇒ 50%
Chemtech Putrifier
Puffcap Toxin - Grievous Wounds: 40% ⇒ 30%
Puffcap Toxin - Grievous Wounds applied by your and empowered ally's next damage instance: 60% ⇒ 50%
Now that we have all the boring stats out of the way, we have to also check out which skins are going to be released this patch. We keep with the High Noon theme from 12.9. Five more High Noon skins will be released in this patch, so get ready!
High Noon Viktor
High Noon Twitch
High Noon Samira
High Noon Sion
High Noon Tahm Kench
So, with these skins getting released, as well as those changes we can't wait for Bel'Veth to swim into our hearts, right? Not only that, but soon we will know who the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational winner is as well. Exciting stuff all happening in the span of one week, eh?