LoL Patch 12.12 All Buffs and Nerfs | RiftFeed
Things have calmed down after 12.11 and 12.10

LoL Patch 12.12 All Buffs and Nerfs

Patch Notes 15-06-2022 17:26
Battle Boss Bel Veth skin splash
It looks like Bel'Veth was a bit too strong. | © Riot Games

Things are definitely starting to calm down and patch 12.12 looks to be a simple and small patch, especially compared to the two previous ones. It looks like a few previous buffs will be reverted... looking at you Zeri, and some champions could just use a small pick-me-up to get them on the right track. Let's dive into all the upcoming changes. 

LoL Patch 12.12 Buffs and Nerfs

Champion Buffs in Patch 12.12

A rather short list this time around and some champs I don't like to see here - talking to you Blitz and Heimer. Other than those 2, these are champions we just don't see that often anymore, and hopefully these buffs will help them be payable. So, who is going to be receiving some buffs in 12.12? 


AmumuQ Mana Cost: 70 > 30-50

R Damage: 150-350 > 200-400

AnnieQ AP Ratio: 75% > 80%

Tibbers HP: 1200-3000 > 1300-3100 - Tibbers Resistences: 30-70 > 30-90

BlitzkrankQ Damage: 90-290 > 105-305

R Damage: 250-500 > 275-525

HeimerdingerTurret Health: 150-575 > 175-700 - Turret Base Damage: 6-18 > 7-23

E Cooldown: 12s > 11s

IvernPassive Base Health Cost: 23% > 20% - P Base Mana Cost: 34.5% > 30%

E Shield: 70-190 > 80-2020

Daisy Base HP: 1250-3750 > 1300-3900 - Daisy Resistances: 15-90 > 20-100

Jarvan IVMana Per Level: 40 > 55

Passive Cooldown: 6s > 6/5/4/3 (lvls 1/6/11/16)

SeraphineE Cooldown: 11-9 > 10 - E CC Duration: 1 > 1.5
YorickMist Walker Base Health: 100-185 (+15% Yoricks HP) > 110-212 (+20% Yoricks HP)

Mist Walker Movement Speed: 300 > 325

Maiden Base Health: 300-3000 (+70% Yoricks HP) > 350-3300 (+75% Yoricks HP)

Maden Chase Range on E: 1600 > 1200 (Maiden should int less)

Champion Nerfs in Patch 12.12

Zeri was changed in 12.11 and got some buffs. As usual, she was OP again. She was nerfed in the 12.11 hotfix, and it seems that wasn't enough, as she will also be nerfed in 12.12. Other than that, all nerfs seem reasonable and justified. Hopefully, these nerfs will be enough to get rid of Singed in the mid lane. I don't know who came up with that, but I hate you. Playing against Singed just isn't enjoyable. 

Bel'VethStats: AA Range: 125 > 175 - HP Regen: 8.5 + 8.5/lvl > 7 + .7/lvl

Passive: Value of stacks: .25%-1.25% AS (by lvl 18) > .28%-1% AS (by lvl 13) - can now gain stacks off large minions

Q: Fixed a bug where Q would cause R´s true damage on-hit to deal double damage

E: Damage per hit 8-20 > 8-16

R: Explosion missing health damage: 25-35% > 25% - Bonus AA Range: 50-100 > 50

Void Remora Health: 70% > 50-70%

Fixed a bug where Bel'Veth would loose R´s bonus health if she devoured a void epic coral while already in her true form

Dr. MundoPassive: Regen 1-2% Bel'Veth 0.8-1.6%

R Base Health Increase: 10-20% missing health > 8-15% missing health

FioraPassive: Max % Health True Damage: 3% (+5.5% per 100 bonus AD) > 2% (+5.5% per 100 bonuns AD)
JannaW MS: 6-12% > 6-10% - W Slow: 24-40% > 20-36%

E Shield Strength: 75-175 (+60% AP) > 65-165 (+55% AP)

LucianBase AD: 62 > 60

Q Damage: 95-235 > 95-215

SingedW Slow: 60% > 50-70%

R Base Stats: 30-90 > 20-100

ViegoPassive Heal on Possesion: 2.5% > 2% targets max HP

R Bouns Damage: 15-25% missing HP > 12-20% missing HP

W > E no longer instantly stealths Viego

ZeriHealth Regen: 3.25 > 4.5 - Health Regen growth: 0.55 > 0.7

W Damage: 10-150 (+150% tAD)(+70% AP) > 20-160 (+130% tAD)(60% AP)

Champion Adjustments in Patch 12.12

After all the Grievous Wounds nerfs, Riot are targeting some champions that have benefited a bit too much from them, namely Soraka and Yuumi. These aren't the only adjustments Riot has in store for us. They want to make Shaco and Katarina more high risk, high reward champions, by forcing them into a more glass canon style build. With these changes, you'll either start destroying on them, or you'll start collecting some inting reports from your teammates. 

  • Want to know what's happening on the other side of the rift? Then check this out
Katarina Build PathsPassive Dagger Bonus AD Ratio: 75% > 65%

E Damage: 15-75 (+50% tAD) > 20-80 (+40% tAD)

R Bonus AD Ratio: 16% + 12.8% per 1.0 Attacks/s > 16% + 16 per 1.0 Attacks/s

On Hit Ratio per Dagger: 25-35% > 28-38%

ShacoArmor Growth: 4.7 > 4 - HP Growth: 103 > 99

Q AD Ratio: 25%-40%

W AP Ratio: 9% > 12%

E AP Ratio: 50% > 60% - E AD Ratio: 70% > 75% AD

YuumiPassive Shield: 56-360 > 60-380

E Base Heal: 70-190 > 70-150

SorakaR Healing: 125-275 > 150-350 - No longer removes Grevious Wounds

System Adjustments in Patch 12.12

Only 2 system adjustment in 12.12 and one of them doesn't even have a lot of impact. They did, however, change Predator quite a bit. It will be weaker in the early game and much stronger in the late game. An interesting change for sure, not sure how that will play out. These are the 2 adjustments: 

Night HarvesterNow includes Fiendish Codex - cost remains unchanges
PredatorMax MS 45% > 25-50% (on levels)

Damage: 40-120 (+20% bonus AD)(+10% AP) > 20-180 (+25% bonuns AD)(+15% AP)

Cooldown: 90-60 > 120-60

And that's it. Those are all the changes slated to come in 12.12. Glad to see that things have calmed down after the durability update. It will be interesting to see if Bel'Veth will still remain a good option in the jungle, and who will replace Fiora as the best top laner.