Controversial LoL Ping To Be Changed Ahead of 2023 Season | RiftFeed
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Controversial LoL Ping To Be Changed Ahead of 2023 Season

More 12-12-2022 14:10

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At the start of the 2023 Preseason Riot tried to add more pings for better communication in League of Legends. One of those pings though has been completely misinterpreted and has since become the most toxic new addition to the game. 

Now, it seems like Riot is trying to make some changes and fix this ping, but will they succeed, or should they just completely get rid of the 'bait' ping altogether? 

League of Legends New Bait Ping Controversy 

The bait ping has come under heavy fire by the community. We all know that League of Legends is very toxic, with players spamming the question mark ping the moment you make one mistake. Well, that question mark ping has now been replaced by the newly introduced bait ping. 

Players realized that the bait ping looks somewhat like a noose and have started using it to tell other players basically to kill themselves when they make a mistake. Now, Riot is looking to change the bait ping to look less like a noose, but will this be enough to dissuade players from spamming it in a toxic and harmful way? 

Twitter user HANCOCK_LOL found an image of the adjusted bait ping, making it look less like a noose and adding something which looks like a fishhook with fairy wings... but by this point the ping already has the 'KYS' connotation, so even changing the image won't help. 

Also, the shape which is supposed to look like a fly lure will just encourage the Korean community who use the saying 'your mum go sky' when flaming someone... honestly, this ping is just ruined and overall Riot should just delete it completely. 

Riot will do anything to try and evade voice chat which is fine, but with the bait ping already having such a negative meaning, just changing the image won't make any changes and won't help the toxicity in the game either. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...