Players Demand One Change To Summoner Spells | RiftFeed
Why is Smite not available?

Players Demand One Change To Summoner Spells

More 06-07-2023 18:00
LoL Players want something to change about Summoner Spells. | © Riot Games

Other than regular abilities in Legaue of Legends, players can also pick up two extra spells they can utilize when they play League of Legends – Summoner Spells. Some of these spells are not available from the get-go though, which has some players confused. 

Recently, a players wanted to make a new account in a different region, when they noticed something curious. Their usual Summoner Spells were not available for them to pick at level 1... this started a discussion online of whether it's a good thing or a bad thing to level-gate some of these spells. 

LoL Player Wonders Why Smite Is Not Available

Worldbreaker Elise
We want to jungle! | © Riot Games

The player in question made a new account in another region and because they are a jungle main wanted to play their favorite role in League of Legends, only to realize that the Summoner Spell was not available to them. They would have to level up and play some games to unlock the spell. 

This sparked quite the discussion, with some players stating that the reason behind this was to help new players. Due to the lack of tutorial in the jungle, actual new players could pick up smite on accident, then choose a jungle item without truly knowing what it did and then be stuck with less gold and experience. 

Jungle is one of the hardest positions in League of Legends, since players need good map awareness and need to understand the flow of the game. If a complete newbie goes into the jungle without any prior knowledge, they're likely going to have a bad time. 

A Jungle Tutorial Would Be Needed

Therefore, to stop players from dying in the jungle when they have no clue what they're doing, it would be good for Riot to make some form of jungle tutorial, since in-game situations, even against bots, could be pretty toxic for actual new players to the game. 

Sure 70% or something of players making new accounts are probably just smurfs that are too cheap to buy an account, but it would still be good to include a better tutorial for players. Then those who want to make accounts in new regions or players coming back after a long time won't have to wait until a certain level to get smite or other Summoner Spells. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...