"Hwei Is In A Healthy State" – LoL Dev Speaks Out | RiftFeed

"Hwei Is In A Healthy State" – LoL Dev Speaks Out

News 06-02-2024 14:19

Hwei is a relatively new champion and was struggling for quite a bit. He is a very hard character to learn and Riot has buffed him multiple times. Now 

Winterblessed Hwei splash
Hwei is an artist troubled by his past. | © Riot Games

Hwei was released at the end of 2023. The champion has landed pretty well. He is regarded as one of the harder champions in the game, since he has 10 different abilities. Obviously this makes him very hard to balance, but I'd say Riot has done a pretty good job so far. The Lead Designer of Hwei, Riot Emizery has also been pretty communicative in his Subreddit. 

LoL: Hwei Is In A Healthy State

Hwei is usually played in the mid lane, but the support players have also found a liking to him. The champion has a lot of different skills and is obviously very skill expressive. The Mage caster is still relatively new, so people are wondering how he currently stands in the roster. Prominent member of the community spideraxe30 took the question to Reddit to ask Emizery.

by u/HungiForSushi from discussion
in HweiMains

Even though Hwei's win rate is close to 47%-48% the champion is in a fine spot. Especially in patch 14.3 where a lot of damage will be taken of champions and items, Hwei can flourish. It is very hard to gather useful data on such a hard champion, especially in a new environment like season 14 where everything starts out very chaotic. 

They have already buffed Hwei several times beforehand but they want to stop doing that for now to see how he ends up when players are figuring him out more and the meta becomes more Hwei-friendly.

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Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...