League of Legends Season 14: Start Date Confirmed | RiftFeed
Season 14 is starting soon guys!

Start Date For LoL Season 14 Confirmed

News 07-12-2023 11:08

If you love playing ranked in LoL and hate having to play normal during those last few months of the year, where you're forced to take a break, then you'll really enjoy what's coming to LoL with season 14!

Arcade Ezreal
Find out all about League of Legends season 14 here! | © Riot Games

League of Legends is getting quite a few changes in 2024, and one of those changes is how the ranked season will work. Can't wait to get started with raising your MMR in 2024? 

We've got you covered, so don't worry, here's everything you need to know about season 14's start!

League of Legends Season 14: Start Date

Victorious Janna skin
Get up to three victorious skins per year, starting with season 14 in LoL! | © Riot Games

Riot is implementing huge changes to ranked seasons starting with season 14. Ranked will be cut into three splits from now on and will go all year long. No more two month breaks, no more waiting for the next season to continue playing ranked. The full 12-month ranked experience!

Since Riot is making this huge change, the current ranked split is being extended until January 3, 2024. Season 14 will start at the same time that patch 14.1 is released. Both Season 14 and patch 14.1 will drop on January 10, 2024. 

Here are all important dates for LoL's season 14, as shown on the official League of Legends website:

  • Preseason Season 2024 gameplay changes go to PBE on November 20, 2023
  • Split 1 begins on January 9
  • Split 2 begins in May
  • Split 3 begins in September

Not only will you get to play ranked all year round, but you'll also have the chance to get up to three Victorious skins per year. 

By splitting ranked up into three, Riot devs say that this will encourage players to enjoy ranked all year round. And those that missed one split can jump into the next split easier, since you only have to wait 4 months for the next split to start. 

What do you guys think? Will this incentivize you to play more LoL ranked, or are these changes making ranked really unappealing for you?

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! When I’m working on my Bachelor in Journalism, I love spending my time gaming, which is why I ended up here at the EarlyGame Group! After growing up with a Nintendo DS practically glued to my...