LoL: Valorant's Vanguard System Will Replace Anti-Cheat | RiftFeed

LoL: Valorant's Vanguard System Will Replace Anti-Cheat

News 08-01-2024 14:15

Riot just announced that League of Legends is jumping on the Vanguard bandwagon! You know, that kinda controversial anti-cheat system they've only been using in Valorant until now? Yep, big changes coming our way!

Snow Moon Morgana
LoL: Vanguard anti-cheat is coming to the game. | © Riot/EarlyGame

Get ready, League of Legends fam! Riot Games just spilled the tea that Vanguard, the anti-cheat system they've been using in Valorant from the get-go, is making its way to our beloved MOBA. This adjustment is happening in the next few months!

LoL: Anti-Cheat Is Changing to Vanguard 

In their recent "Season 2024 Look Ahead" video, Riot announced some major League of Legends updates. One bombshell? They're shaking things up with the game's anti-cheat system, switching to Vanguard – the same system that's been keeping Valorant cheater-free.

Here's the scoop: the big switch is set to go down in the next two months, making Vanguard a must-install to dive into the world of LoL.

Riot dropped the news, saying, "In late February or early March, we're bringing Vanguard to League. We've seen a huge amount of success in their ability to catch and stop cheaters in their games, and we expect to see similar results when we implement it in League."

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Why the change? Well, Riot's promising that Vanguard will be a beast at catching bots and cheaters. They're even throwing in the ability to "hardware ban offenders and shut down matches where cheaters are spotted."

More on Season 14:

However, Vanguard still raised some eyebrows and stirred the pot when Valorant launched. Operating on a deeper level of your computer's system (the kernel level), it sparked privacy concerns and rumors of PC performance hits.  

Riot promises, though, that "Vanguard does not collect or process any personal information differently from our current anti-cheat software. We don't need or want to know anything more about you or your machine other than what is necessary to maintain integrity when playing our games."

Eric Leneschmidt

Eric is a Bachelor graduate who is educating as a gaming journalist at EarlyGame & Riftfeed. Considering that he studied media and communication at the University in Passau and always liked to play video games since he was little, participating...