Vanguard Is Coming - Everything You Need To Know | RiftFeed

Vanguard Is Coming - Everything You Need To Know

News 13-04-2024 09:30

Vanguard is the new Anti Cheat Program introduced by Riot. It was previously used in Valorant, but after the code for League of Legends got leaked a while ago, it is now coming to League.

Arcana Xerath
No more Scripting Xerath! | © Riot Games

Scripters have been plaguing High Elo for a while. Now Riot is not holding back anymore. Vanguard has proven to be working very efficiently in Valorant and Riot is implementing it for LoL as well now. 

Vanguard is a Kernel Level Anti-Cheat which means that it is starting with your PC as you turn it on. Many players are suspicious of the software as it has access to your entire PC.

Riot has made an extensive effort to show its player base that it doesn't want to spy on them and that any issue that should arise from getting flagged from Valorant will be adequately handled by the support. There is no way back out, and you will not be able to play Valorant or League of Legends without running Vanguard.

When Will We Be Getting Vanguard?

Valorant jett anti cheat vanguard
Valorant had Vanguard since its release. | © Riot Games

Vanguard will be rolling out on Patch 14.8 in the Philippines and the rest of the Riot regions in Patch 14.9. 

With Patch 14.8 everybody will be getting a pop-up to double-check if your machine is ready for Vanguard.

Are you afraid of Kernel Level Anti Cheat? 

More League of Legends:

Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...