Exploring The Latest Meta In Korean Challenger SoloQ: Strategies And Trends Dominating The Highest Ranks
T1 just won worlds and Korea is back on top again. It's interesting to note that the champion selection at this level is quite different from what we see in Gold Elo. While we're getting stomped by Garens, Korea's best players have a different approach to the game. In this article, we'll show you what the cream of the crop are playing and winning their SoloQ games with.
Korean SoloQ is all about early aggression and showcasing individual skill, and this is clearly reflected in their champion picks. Some of these champs, well, you might not want to see them in your SoloQ, or maybe you actually don't see them at all. For instance, the most played support in Korea is only the 16th most played champ in global Emerald+ SoloQ.
Top Lane
Top 3: Aatrox
Win Rate: 58.33%
Pick Rate: 27.76%
A classic on the top lane and in competitive play. Aatrox is hugely popular in Korean Challenger, being a solid blind pick and capable of winning nearly any lane through skill.
Top 2: Gragas
Win Rate: 59.46%
Pick Rate: 9.17%
After receiving buffs, Gragas can now survive nearly any lane with his new sustain, making him a solid weakside toplaner. Plus, he's also a strong skill champ with his ultimate ability.
Top 1: Rumble
Win Rate: 60.32%
Pick Rate: 20.40%
Rumble is an extremely potent lane bully and can completely take over the game once he gets a lead.
Top 3: Lee Sin
Win Rate: 57.44%
Pick Rate: 42.72%
Lee Sin's high win rate in Korean challenger is no surprise. He's the epitome of skill expression and early game dominance, which is incredibly important and effective in Korean challenger.
Top 2: Nidalee
Win Rate: 60.87%
Pick Rate: 15.90%
Nidalee is another example of a high skill cap, snowballing champ. And, just for the record, Jankos isn't playing in Korean SoloQ.
Top 1: Taliyah
Win Rate: 66.87%
Pick Rate: 11.27%
Taliyah is a somewhat unexpected first place, but she's currently outperforming Nidalee.
Mid Lane
Top 3: Neeko
Win Rate: 57.52%
Pick Rate: 9.80%
Faker has shown some incredible plays on Neeko in competitive play. She also fits the Korean style of early aggression quite well.
Top 2: Jayce
Win Rate: 62.20%
Pick Rate: 10.51%
Jayce is one of the top AD mid laners, known for his scaling and high skill cap.
Top 1: Twisted Fate
Win Rate: 64.91%
Pick Rate: 7.31%
Twisted Fate has been climbing the ranks with his Blue Card one-shot build. He's also pretty solid in average SoloQ ranks and definitely worth picking up.
Bot Lane
Top 3: Kalista
Win Rate: 57.43%
Pick Rate: 23.28%
Kalista really suits the early game aggression style of Korean soloQ quite well.
Top 2: Varus
Win Rate: 57.53%
Pick Rate: 39.77%
Varus is currently the most popular ADC thanks to recent buffs. He's a real powerhouse and remains effective even when behind.
Top 1: Draven
Win Rate: 62.26%
Pick Rate: 10.58%
Draven is the absolute prime example of a high-skill, aggressively dominant early game champion.
Top 3: Pyke
Win Rate: 58.33%
Pick Rate: 14.84%
Pyke is yet another high-skill, early game powerhouse who really shines in Korean SoloQ.
Top 2: Renata Glasc
Win Rate: 59.40%
Pick Rate: 19.35%
Renata is a perfect counter to heavy divers and early game champions. Plus, she's extremely effective against Pyke.
Top 1: Ashe
Win Rate: 60.77%
Pick Rate: 22.62%
Ashe might come as a surprise, but she tops the charts both in pick and win rates. She almost always secures lane priority and is a formidable lane bully with excellent skill expression.
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