Brandon Sanderson Joins League of Legends – But Not As A… | RiftFeed

Brandon Sanderson Joins League of Legends – But Not As A Writer

News 06-06-2024 14:43

Brandon Sanderson, known for his writing and world building, has now joined League of Legends, but in a way you'd never imagine. 

League of Legends Group
League of Legends: Brandon Sangerson enters the game. | © Riot Games

The North American League of Legends scene has been dwindling, but on June 3, 2024 Riot made an announcement that could kick-start the semi-professional scene once more. It was revealed that none other than Brandon Sanderson – yes, the one who writes an insane amount of fantasy novels – will be partnering with the NACL team from Maryville University

Did anyone have that on their 2024 esports bingo card? Because I sure didn't. The partnership is meant to reinvigorate the scene and breathe new life into the NACL, so let's check out what is actually behind this deal. 

Brandon Sanderson Partners With Maryville University Esports Team

On June 3, Maryville University revealed that they're partnering with Brandon Sanderson and his company Dragonsteel. This is a first of its kind partnership and while it is unexpected, it oddly works well. 

Brandon Sanderson has dabbled in video games before, having worked alongside Unknown Worlds Entertainment to create Moonbreaker which was officially released in February 2024. 

The collaboration between Dragonsteel and Maryville University is much different though, but it's still incredible to see one of the most famous authors get into the esports scene to try and invigorate and help build up the NA pro scene. 

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Travis Gafford, a known esports journalist, also revealed that Riot wants to help "facilitate partnerships between cool companies and teams competing in the NACL". Honestly, there is almost nothing cooler than an award-winning author partnering with a team, right? Maybe Messi or Tony Hawk could top that, but for now it's one of the most impressive partnerships to date. 

Fans are also pretty hyped and impressed with the partnership, with some asking for jerseys already. Now we just have to wait and see what this partnership truly entails, but it's going to be pretty interesting to see what the NACL has to offer this summer. 

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...