LoL Arena Mode: Playing With More Friends Might Be Coming… | RiftFeed
Will there be Custom Lobbies?

LoL Arena Mode: Playing With More Friends Might Be Coming In The Future

News 01-08-2023 18:45
Lol arena 2
Plying the Arena Mode with more than one friend might be comming in the future|©Riot Games

The League of Legends Arena Mode can be seen as a full success and has become one of the most played game modes in LoL. An own meta evolved in the last couple of weeks and an entire content scene was built The mode also brought back many disgruntled players and ignited again the love for the game in many others.

At the moment it's just possible to play solo or with a DuoQ partner. But will it be possible to play with even more friends, or an entire custom lobby, in the future. A recent Reddit AMA by the Arena Mode devs gives an answer. Read everything about it here.

LoL Arena Mode: Custom Lobbies And Playing With More Friends

League of Legends makes the most fun when played with friends, it was just created to be this way in the first place. So while playing with a friend in the freshly releases Arena Mode is fun, many fans would be even happier to battle it out with up to 7 friends, an entire lobby.

So it's not surprising, that a fan used the recently happened Ask Me Anything (AMA) on the League of Legends Subreddit to ask exactly this. The AMA was organized by the developers of the LoL Arena Mode and many interesting answers were given.

And so the user "Ronkuu" asked:

I know it’s been asked a bunch but do you have any plans to let us queue with more than 2 people or make a custom mode? This kind of mode would be amazing with more friends :D

The answer he got, from Riot Employee "Riot_Cadmus", could be interpreted by many as a sort of yes. Riot_Cadmus stated, that bringing in just a Duo-mode was a hard decision and they most likely would have missed their target date if they tried to implement custom lobbies as well. 

But they would keep an eye out on how to support players with different lobby size in the future.

This was a HARD decision to make, and not one that we took lightly. I'll let my colleague get into more details from an engineering perspective, but the short of it is we would've missed our target date if we tried to include custom lobbies. We'll keep an eye out for how things roll out here and see how to best support players looking for different lobby sizes in the future.

Now, roughly a week after the AMA it seems obvious that the mode is a huge success and that many community members are wishing for bigger lobbies. And it would be a waste by Riot to don't support them, since the mode has even more potential. Maybe even in an esport direction.

Collage Arena Lo L
Imagine fighting 6 of your friends in the Arena Mode, the hate, the emotions... |©Riot Games

Riot might get memed by a portion of the games' fan base for not caring about their community, and it's wishes, but normally the company has a nose for these things. And should the Arena Mode still be a fountain of activity in the near future, there will surely be an option to play with more friends. 

This was also recognizable in the comment section below Riot_Cadmus' answer, where many users were asking for Riot to increase the lobby size or make custom lobbies usable. For example, the user "CFella" wrote:

Okay, you guys should definetely work on custom lobbies and custom rules. Like a checkbox of current existing (or WiP) ones and let people play the goofy stuff with friends. This could even net you some data on what people like or dislike playing with and improve the concept. The mode has lots of potential given the amount of time and feedback necessary to improve upon. Good work on this one guys!

It will be interesting to see, how the Arena Mode might evolve in the near future. The first Patch already includes mode specific aspects, so the team is still actively working on the mode. It seems to be the case, that the Arena might stay longer than any other mode in the last years.

Let's just hope that the Arena Mode can keep some of its hype, we really want to fight with our friends in a full lobby.

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Henning Paul

Henning studied Journalism, having worked for multiple media outlets before finding his way to Riftfeed and EarlyGame where he let his passion for League of Legends esports take hold. He's been playing League of Legends, as well as other games...