LoL: Doublelift Brings More Drama Around Team Liquid | RiftFeed

LoL: Doublelift Brings More Drama Around Team Liquid

News 11-03-2024 16:01

Every time LCS is looking a bit stale we can bank on Doublelift providing us with some sweet new Drama. It is no different this time.

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The Ex-TSM and Ex-TL Member always has something interesting to share. | © Riot Games

Doublelift isn't necessarily known to hold back on people or organizations he doesn't like so whenever it fits he likes to start some drama. 

This is not the first time this has happened as he has previously had beef with TSM Owner Andy Dinh which, amongst other things, let to the downfall of the TSM we knew and loved.

This time he is going after Team Liquid's General Manager Dodo. His job is the general well-being of Team Liquid's League of Legends staff as well as the acquiring of talent for the team. Basically, him and the owner of the organization decide who is on the team and who isn't.

What Is The New Doublelift Drama?

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At this point Doublelift has dirt on everybody. | © Riot Games

Doublelift is currently a co-streamer, which means that he watches the LCS games live on stream and comments on them. He is doing very well with those streams and therefore doesn't want to return to pro play unless all the stars align. If he doesn't get the perfect conditions such as the perfect team he is better off just streaming instead.

During the downtime of the games he decided to talk about his past in the scene and specifically his off season when he was still with TL. While he was in talks with Team Liquid, he had some expectations from the team regarding some teammates. 

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He specifically wanted to play with Jojopyun and requested that Steve and Dodo try to get him on the team. Doublelift then also revealed that he talked to Jojopyun about his roster expectations and that Team Liquid might approach him.

Apparently Dodo did not act on this though. But it was revealed that he and Jojopyun did talk at a later stage where Jojopyun also asked about Doublelift's vision for Team Liquid. Dodo allegedly then responded that Doublelift would only be on the team if Dodo was not the GM of Team Liquid.

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Jojopyun joined C9 instead. | © Riot Games

After Dodo had his talks with Jojopyun, he later apologized to Doublelift personally about the unprofessionalism. 

Obviously Doublelift bringing this past drama up during his stream, stirred up quite a lot of uproar as it shows the disconnect between the Owner and GM of TL and as such prompted Dodo to post a response on Reddit.

His response was very thorough and even though he doesn't like to share off-season information he did just that in his post. While the statement is great and explains a few talking points, it does not explain the need for the private apology towards Doublelift. Things are just not adding up.

Doublelift has made another statement, responding to Dodo's claims. He says that Dodo lied, and that Dodo was even out of Team Liquid temporarily. He also claims that the Talent Manager of Jojopyun repeatedly messaged him due to the silence from Dodo.

Obviously this situation looks terrible for Team Liquid. Not only is the team not doing well, but also the staff seems to be a bit conflicted. Doublelift has refrained from posting more evidence of Dodo's lies to not drag other people into this drama.

What drama will Doublelift be involved in next?

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Erik Feldengut

Meet Erik, a writer on the Riftfeed content team, specializing in League of Legends and Gaming.

His daily routine revolves around gaming and watching others play, with a side gig at TU Ilmenau studying 'Applied Media and Communication Sciences'...