LoL: "I've Learned Some Things" Faker Praises His… | RiftFeed

LoL: "I've Learned Some Things" Faker Praises His Replacement Despite Losing Streak

News 03-08-2023 17:40
Faker Thoughts on T1 Poby
Faker shared his thoughts on T1 and his replacement Poby |©Riot Games (Montage)

T1's star midlaner Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok was sorely missed by many fans, especially after his team lost seven out of their eight last matches. In a post match interview Faker shared his thoughts about his injury and his replacement Yoon "Poby" Sung-won.

LoL: Faker Praises Poby Despite Losing Streak

It was a tough time for everybody, T1 fans, T1 players and for LoL fans all over the world. But now the king has returned, and his team can win again. With a solid performance star player Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok reported back in the LCK and led his team to a 2-0 victory over NongShim REDFORCE.

And he was sorely missed, since his team lost seven out of eight games without him. Now Faker spoke in a post game interview about his injury time, the injury itself and his thoughts about his replacement player Yoon "Poby" Sung-won.

And despite the losing streak, Faker found some warm words for Poby and the teams' performance. Questioned by a reporter about things he saw or noticed about Poby and the team while side lined, Faker said,

Poby was the starting mid laner instead of me. I realized that Poby, as a mid laner, also has a lot of strengths on his own. Also, I learned some things about laning in the mid lane from the process of communicating to Poby.

It's interesting to hear this from Faker, since many fans would have picked Poby as the reason behind the lack of success in the last weeks. And of course it's a sign of sportsmanship from Faker to say, that he learned some things from Poby about communication and different play styles. He continues with some comments about the team,

Also, I was able to notice and think about the types of plays that my teammates need from me, while watching from the third-person perspective. And I noticed some things we lack as a team. Some of them I could have not noticed while I was on the team.

Asked about more specific aspects that he could learn from Poby, Faker stated,

Poby is an extremely hard worker. Also, I realized that he is a great team player and can execute good plays in sync with the team. Watching Poby actually motivated me. I think there were many positive aspects to Poby starting

Community Reactions Towards The Interview

LCK T1 Poby
Poby hadn't the easiest time in the main roster |©Riot Games

Obviously, many users of the League of Legends Subreddit were happy about Faker's return, and his statements regarding Poby were heavily discussed. 

Especially Fakers kind words towards Poby were pointed out by many users. For example "sxhwekkl1" wrote,

Not only is Faker going to be the GOAT because of his achievements, but also because he stays professional during interviews and doesn't create unneccesary drama for his teammates who are already under fire.

Some are even hoping for a Poby return in the future, once he's ready to maybe inherit Faker's role in the team. The user "Priviated" wrote, "I hope we going to see Poby perform in LCK one day. Also, Faker is back, T1 looks good again, I guess."

Or the user "lin_Huichi", who wrote, "Poby will go smurfing in LCKCL now. Like a gold dropped in a masters lobby for 25 games then goes back to gold again."

It will be interesting to see, how T1 is going to perform now that Faker has returned and how Poby's development might look like in the future. But one thing is for sure, at the moment nobody seems able to compensate or replace Faker. T1 simply wasn't able to perform without him and just plugging in another player didn't work out.

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Henning Paul

Henning studied Journalism, having worked for multiple media outlets before finding his way to Riftfeed and EarlyGame where he let his passion for League of Legends esports take hold. He's been playing League of Legends, as well as other games...