LoL Game Modes: New Information Revealed | RiftFeed
This new game mode sounds cool!

LoL Game Modes: New Information Revealed

More 16-02-2023 21:00
Heartpiercer Fiora HD
Okay, but a new game mode sounds kind of dope, no? | © Riot Games

It's been ages since we've received a brand-new game mode and Riot has finally filled up the Game Modes team for League of Legends to bring something new to the table in 2023. 

Of course, this new game mode will take time to create and due to this rotating game modes will take a brief pause until this brand-new mode is released, but the community has been begging for something new, so we doubt they'd be mad about this. 


TFT Double Up Mode Goes League of Legends

While rotating game modes are fun, they have become stale with the same four modes constantly coming back for a bit. But this year, with a stacked Modes team, Riot is working on something new and they took inspiration from none other than Teamfight Tactics and their Double Up mode according to a recent dev post

This game mode will be a 2v2v2v2 mode in which four teams of two will battle against one another. This is a quick game mode that will make players play completely different from how they're used to. The goals for this game mode and future ones are: 

  • Quickly get players into champion vs champion combat.
  • Push champion customization beyond where League has traditionally gone.
  • Minimize time spent dead or trapped in a frustrating game.

Can I just play Twitch in this new game mode though?

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Players will play in deathmatch-style rounds with champions gaining more power through levels, items and special augments they can pick up between rounds. Teams are eliminated after losing too many rounds, but you'll be able to queue up for another go at the game mode once you lose. 

Just like in TFT, augments will have a significant impact on your play and team with some insane power ups available. A few of the augments powers were revealed: 

  • Sylas who casts Lissandra W every 5 seconds
  • Ekko with 500 attack range
  • A Kai’Sa who dives the enemy team, dies immediately, and then creates a huge explosion postmortem that wipes out a huge chunk of her two enemies’ remaining health

This game mode should be released sometime in the Summer, alongside the big summer event 2023. As a TFT player this does sound like a lot of fun though and like it will be pure chaos. 

Spirit Blossom Lillia
Nexus Blit is back soon? | © Riot Games

Riot Modes Team Working on Nexus Blitz

Of course, other rotating game modes will not be forgotten as well. URF, ARURF, One-For-All, they're all making a comeback in the second half of 2023 after the release of the 2v2v2v2 game mode, but one mode has wormed its way into the hearts of players and that is Nexus Blitz

Nexu Blitz was promised in 2022, but that did not happen. It seems like now that the Game modes team is up and running, filled with staff members, that Nexus Blitz will be coming back. Whether it's in 2023 was not promised, but the team is working on it. 

Now that we’re staffed up, we’re dedicating a bit of time getting Nexus Blitz functional again before we release it.

ARAM Tower Changes

Riot did not just reveal information on rotating game modes, but also ARAM. The ARAM changes have been relatively well received, especially with some balance changes like shortening the death timers and adding in the hexgates onto the map. 

One thing that Riot did notice that wasn't received as well was the tower rubble – which in my opinion was super fun actually – and how the combat shifted from teamfighting to choke hold fights. 

Well, Riot will be making some adjustments to the tower rubble, stating that they're "going to be strongly scaling back the tower rubble mechanic or outright reverting it in a future patch." 

ARAM is meant to be a fun mode and Riot will try to keep it that way as they manoeuvre through all these changes and adjustments. 

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with League of Legends and esports and has been playing LoL since then – how she hasn't lost...


The players want URF.. Riot gets upset b/c it spikes the player base, who then fall off after it leaves.

I know I personally would EASILY spent $5 per month to have access to URF or ARURF year round.

They can unlock it as a "special" for all players for a few months a year, but otherwise keep it for paying members. They get more money, we get more fun!.



Why is 2v2v2v2 so popular, I find it super boring, for me personally I'd say that's the worst game mode ever made. And they had it up for so long I couldn't play the other game mode but when they're finally done with it I thought we were getting rotating game modes but its mid September already still no rotate game mode. No wonder league is losing players over the years.


It's not popular. Most people stopped playing it after about a week. I have hundreds of "league" friends and not a single one was playing it the last week it was out. This ain't URF.


It's popular because a bunch of streamers shilled it on PBE for weeks and players got to see their favorite streamers duoing it. It's really boring for casual solo players who dont have League friends (most of us.)


Why won't they give the people what they want!! Permanent URF!!!


True. It would kill the other game modes though


IF it did kill the other game modes that just means they suck. Of course they're not concerned with what's good, or fun. They sole concern is how to keep people glued to the game 24/7. They force people into a meaningless grind in ranked to hopefully profit off worlds etc. You know the ranked system that is basically rigged. Literally only have a chance of ranking up past gold if you're playing 8 hours a day.


no it wouldn't. Most urf players either take a break from the mode or just don't login into the game entirely so the numbers won't really change. TFT and ARAM aren't killing summoners rift and never will. The ratio of SR to any other mode would be a 80:20 respectively.
URF is the most popular mode but it'll never kill SR, the only reason people think that is because playeres are blue balled for a whole year to play the mode so when it's up everyone stop what they were doing to be able to play the mode before it's back in the disney vault for another year.


Right now we have about 5-6 game modes. Why dont RITO just put them on permanently but rotate them every few months so people wont get bored? Problem solves.


Yeah I think everyone can safely say they want URF as a permanent mode and for AURF to be completely removed. Riot has stated that Urf spikes their player count during the times but when URF leaves that same player base leaves. They are trying to force you to play their preferred intended mode by removing URF. Just like how realistically most people dont want All Random Urf. Yes meta can be infuriating at times but I'd rather have over the game taking 30 champions out of their 160 champion pool and throwing them into the AURF role.

If they really want to keep AURF they have to really make the rolls on champions percentage equal. No favoring others over others because that's what people like to play


Well as always, when there is an Urf mode, people get angry by time to time and then trhy wont play it anymore. My opinion is that there should be rotating gamemode every week. I think that worked for me, when they did this once.


urf or arurf pls


URF, remove AURF fuck that mode. You never get the champions you want unless you're a bot and play shit like Lux, Morgana, Shaco, Teemo, Yi, know the same tired champs.


Damn you're one of them toxic players huh hahaha


No actual rebuttal of course, just nonsense words. He's right, Aurf sucks and it only exists to give the illution of balance to morons.


riot knows urf is more fun than their regular gamemodes, yet they dont keep it. THey honestly dont deserve our time.


They admitted it, if you look it up. The only reason they dont let it stay is because their data showed that when Urf leaves all their players leave. So they are afraid of making URF permanent and a good chunk of their base only playing that and getting burnt out. It's why they mask it as an event give people a reason to keep playing throughout the year. The strategy has worked but I don't like it. I would love for URF & One For All & Viego mode to be cycled every 2-3 months throughout the year.

People have shown they love these modes and the new 2v2v2v2 mode is a great start but it has huge Meta problems. I think they need to sit down and decide if they want that game mode to be around. After a month of playing it boiled down to Vayne\Kaisa with the same support tanks because they were broken cc wise.

Heimer, Teemo, Shaco are super annoying..heimer is almost unbeatable.

Taric, Maokai, Ali and few others are straight up broken if you get the right cards which you pretty much always do.


God I would give anything for them to basically just make bloodline champions with the same controls but in League