Some changes for thr soon to be gone mode !
LoL Arena: All Upcoming Balance Changes In Patch 13.16
The upcoming Patch 13.16 will also introduce several changes, nerfs and buffs for the LoL Arena Mode. It might be the last changes regarding this mode, since Riot announced to pull the Arena from the game, at least for once. So let's take a look at the future adjustments.
LoL Arena: Champion Buffs
As you can imagine, a relatively fresh game mode like the Arena, needs a lot of changes and attention by the devs, to balance everything, especially in a game with over 160 different champions. So let's start with the champion buffs and nerfs, since this will be the biggest section. It's by the way interesting to see, that 18 champs will get buffed, while only three champions will receive nerfs.
The buffed Champions are:
- Q-Base Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 >>> 100/140/180/220/260
- R-Base Damage: 180/230/280 >>> 250/300/350
So Xerath basically gets some additional damage, to make him more playable, since he's a rarely played champion in the Arena Mode. The additional damage might help him in the fights, but won't solve his biggest problems – his immobility. And since the most successful champions in the Arena are still bruisers and tanks.
- Q- Min. Base Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 65/85/105/125/145
- Q- Max.Base Damage: 90/155/220/285/350 >>> 130/195/260/325/390
- W- Stacks for champion kills: 15 >>> 45
- E- Armor reduction: 20% >>> 40%
- E- Slow: 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 55/60/65/70/75%
- R-Mind. Damage: 150/300/450 >>> 200/350/500
- R-Max. Damage: 400/800/1200 >>> 600/1000/1400
As you can see, Sion will receive some huge buffs to increase his damage output. So you might encounter him more often in the future. It will be interesting to see, if Sion's ultimate ability will now be more useful than before, since the damage might not be enough to make it worth. Some of these maps are not ideal for him, to phrase it this way.
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Lee Sin
- Q: +30 Ability Haste
- W- Lifesteal and Spell Vamp: 5-27% >>> 15-35%
- W- Shield Value: 50-250 >>> 60-300
- E-Base Damage: 35-155 >>> 55-195
- E-Slow: 28-80% >>> 40-80%
The addition of ability haste for Lee Sin's Q might bring him back into the Arena Mode, at least for the more experienced Lee players out there. The increased damage output and slow will surely help him.
Nunu& Willump
- Q-Ability Haste: 30 (12/11/10/9/8 >>> 9.23/8.46/7.69/6.92/6.15)
- Q-Base Damage: 180/160/220/280/340 (+65% AP) (+5% Bonus Health) >>> 120/180/240/300/360 (+70% AP) (+7% Bonus Health)
- W-Base Damage: 180/225/270/315/360 (+150% AP) >>> 215/260/305/350/395 (+150% AP)
- R-Base Damage: 625/950/1275 (+300% AP) >>> 655/980/1305
- R-Shield: 65/75/85 (+150% AP) (+30/40/50% Bonus Health) >>> 85/95/105 (+40/50/60% Bonus Health)
- Q-Damage: 20/45/70/95/120 (+130% AD) (+15% AP) >>> 30/60/90/110/135 (+135% AD) (+17% AP)
- E-Ability Haste: 15 (21.67/19.17/16.67 >>> 19.2/17/14.8/12.6/10)
- E-Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+50% bonus AD) (+75% AP) >>> 90/140/190/240/290 (+50% bonus AD) (+80% AP)
- R-Damage: 350/500/650 (+100% bonus AD) (+90% AP) >>> 390/540/690 (+95% AP)
The Ezreal buss might be enough to make this bot laner popular again. The only down sight could be the ultimate, which as you can see was nerfed pretty hard. It seems to be the case, that Riot tries to force the players onto a more AP orientated built.
- Passiv-BAD Ratio: 60% >>> 70%, AP Ratio: 55% >>> 65%
- W-Energy Restore: 100 >>> 150
- BUGFIX: Now properly gets the +100 may energy from the global arena buff
Akali receives just slightly buffs in the upcoming Patch 13.16, and the bug fix might be the most important part about her adjustments. She will still be one of the better champions in the Arena, and has enough outplay potential to fight even the baddest bruisers and tanks
- Q-Base Damage: 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% AP) (In total: 75/90/105/120/135 (+90% AP) >>> 35/40/45/50/55 (+30% AP) (In total: 105/120/135/150/165 (+90% AP))
- Q-Bonus Magic Damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+25% AP) (In total: 45/75/105/135/165 (+75% AP)) >>> 25/35/45/55/65 (+30% AP) (in total: 75/105/135/165/195) (90% AP)
- W-Ability Haste: 20 (15/14/13/12/11) >>> (12.5/11.6/10.8/10/9.1)
- E-Base Damage: 55/70/85/100/115 (+3% (+1.5% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) >>> 5% max health
Well, if you like a wall of numbers, these Evelynn changes will surely bring you some joy. Besides this, it's unlikely, that the changes will really improve the champion in the Arena Mode. But the increased damage on her Q might be helpful.
- Q-Base Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+90% bonus AD) >>> 80/105/130/155/190 (+90% Bonus AD)
- W-Healing: 25% (+2% of 100 bonus AD) of the damage dealt to enemies >>> 35% (+3%+ of 100 bonus AD) of the damage dealt to enemies
- E-Minimum Base Damage: 30/45/60/75/90 (+50% bonus AD) >>> 50/65/80/95/110 (+60% bonus AD)
- E-Maximun Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+100% bonus AD) >>> 100/130/160/190/220 (+120% bonus AD)
Hecarim will receive a huge damage and healing buff, which should make him into a very strong Arena champion, since he can fight longer now.
- Passiv-Stun Hit Damage: 10% max HP >>> 12% max HP
- Q-Ability Haste: +20 Ability Haste
- E- Per Champion cooldown: 8 >>> 5
Sejuni was a stronger Arena Champion before, but now she might even be one of the best. Her received cooldown reduction will help her in direct duels and especially in longer fights.
- Q- Ability Haste: +25 Ability Haste
- Q- Damage: 80/140/200/260/320 >>> 100/160/220/280/340
- Q-Slow: 60% >>> 70%
- E-Damage: 22/34/46/58/70 >>> 32/44/56/68/80
- E-Slow: 30/35/40/45/50 >>> 40/45/50/55/60
- R-Ability Haste: +30 Ability Haste
- R-Champion Damage: 300/475/650 >>> 400/575/750
- R-HP per Stack: 80/120/160 >>> 100/150/200
As you can see, nearly every ability in Cho'Gath's kit was buffed. Especially his ultimate will be more useful in the Arena Mode now.
- Passive: Gains 50% more fury
- Q-Base Heal: 30-30 (+30% AP) >>> 60-140 (+50% AP)
- Q-Heal per Fury: 0.5-2.3 (+1.2% AP) >>> 1-4 (+2% AP)
- W-Slow: 30-60%
- W-AD Reduction: 20-80 >>> 30-120
The extra fury, gained from the passive, will surely help Tryndamere to be more present in the LoL Arena Mode. So he is now even prepared for longer fights, and his ultimate i still one of the best for the game mode.
- Passiv-Movement Speed: Movement speed gets doubled
- Q-Ranged Minimum AP Ratio: 50% >>> 80%
- Q-Meele AD Ratio: 0.75 tAD >>> 1.2 tAD
- E-Ranged Base Heal: 35-95 >>> 60-180
- E-Ranged bonus Attack Speed: 20-60% >>> 40-80%
- (New) Meele AD Ratio: 0% >>> 80% bonus AD
Well, the Nidalee's Spears were always useful in the Arena Mode, for damage and for scouting purposes. Now the champ will also be strong in her melee mode. Might be worth a try after Patch 13.16 was implemented.
- Passiv-Damage Bonus: 10-95 (based in level) (+16% -50% (based on level) AD) >>> 11.5-109.25 (based on level) (+18.4% - 57.5% (based on level) AD)
- Q-Damage Ratio: (+80/90/100/110/120% AD) (+50% AP) >>> (+90/100/110/120/130% AD) (+75% AP)
- W-Passive AS: 28/36/44/52/60% >>> 30/40/50/60/70%
- W-Active: +100 Ability haste
- R-Damage: 70% AD >>> 100% AD
It will be interesting to see, how much impact the announced buffs for Quinn will have on her popularity in the Arena Mode. She still might be a too special champ to work there.
- Q-Base Damage: 65/90/115/140/165 (+40% AP) >>> 75/100/125/150/175 (+40% AP)
- W-Ability Haste: +15 Ability Haste
- R-Ability Haste: +15 Ability Haste
- RQ1- Base Damage: 70/140/210 (+40% AP) >>> 90/160/230 (+50% AP)
- RE1-Base Damage: 70/140/210 (+40 % AP) >>> 90/160/230 (+50% AP)
LeBlanc will surely profit from the changes and might be an even bigger pain to play against.
- Passiv-Damage: 30-140 (based on level) +90% AP >>> 33-164 (based on level) +90% AP
- Q- 1st hit Damage: 60/75/90/105/120 >>> 70/85/100/115/130
- Q- 2nd hit Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 >>> 50/75/100/125/150
- W-Base Bonus Magic Damage: 3% >>> 4% of target's missing health when thy below 30%
Ekko will become an even stronger champion after the upcoming Patch 13.16 is implemented. His W buff will help him to melt some of the tanks and bruiser, which you encounter in the Arena Mode all the time.
- Passiv-Cooldown: 12 seconds >>> 4 seconds
- W-Targets Max HP Damage: 7% >>> 12%
Gragas was already in a fine position within the Arena Mode meta and will surely become even more popular now. With the increased W max hp damage, he now able to fight better against other tanks.
- Passiv- AP Ratio: 50% >>> 75%
- W-Base Shield: 45-105 >>> 60-160
- R-Base Damage: 200-400 >>> 300-600
Well, Diana was an oneshot-machine before, and will be now an even bigger problem for all the squishy champions out there.
- Q-Base Damage: 70-210 >>> 100-280
- W-Ability Haste: +30 Ability Haste
- W-Passive Shield HP Ratio: 6% >>> 10%
- W-Passive Shield Out of Combat timer: 12 seconds >>> 5 seconds
- R-Stun Duration: 0.75 seconds >>> 1.5 seconds
Galio will get some additional damage and a few tank stats. He was already in a fine position.
The nerfed Champions are:
- Passiv-True Damage: 3%+(4% per 100AD bAD) >>> 2%(+3% oer 100 bAD)
- W-Ability Haste: -20 Ability Haste
- Q-%HP Damage: 6-10% >>> 5-9%, AD Ratio 1.2 % >>> 1%
- E-Ability Haste: -20 Ability Haste
- R-Base Damage: 175-525 >>> 100-300
- Passiv-Bonus Movement Speed: reduced by 30%
- W-Ability haste: -30 Ability Haste
LoL Arena: Augments Buffs& Nerfs
Certainly, within the League of Legends Arena mode, there are certain augments that might require attention and care from Riot. While the game features a diverse range of augments, a few of them are falling short of expectations. This is the reason why Riot has opted to enhance select augments in this specific League of Legends patch.
Phenomenal Evil
- Cooldown: 0.75 global >>> 0.75 per spell slot (P/Q/W/E/R)
Circle of Death
- Damage Conversion: 40% >>> 50%
Combo Master
- Phase Rush Movespedd: 15%-40% >>> 20-60%
- Electrocute Damage: 30-180(+40% bonus AD)(+25% AP) >>> 50-250(45% bonus AD)(30% AP)
From Beginning to End
- First Strike Damage Amp: 11% >>> 15%
- Dark Harvest Base Damage: 25-75 (+30% Bonus AD)(820% AP)(+6 per Stack) >>> 50-100 (+35 Bonus AD)(+25% AP)(+10 per stack)
Banner of Command
- Stats increased by 15% >>> 20%
Blunt Force
- Percent AD: 10% >>> 15%
- Total Burn % Max HP Damage: 4% >>> 5%
First Aid Kit
- Heal and Shield Power: 20% >>> 35%
- AP to Haste Conversion: 20% >>> 25%
LoL Arena: Item Buffs
Numerous items also require attention within the game mode, leading to a rather extensive list of item buffs in LoL Patch 13.16. Notably, while Edge of Night holds its value in the Arena game mode, its inclusion stemmed from the inherent vulnerability of assassins in this game mode, hence the rationale behind these buffs.
Edge of Night
- HP: 325 >>> 400
Imperial Mandate
- Initial Proc Damage: 50-90 >>> 70-130
- Ally Proc Damage: 100-160 >>> 120-200
Night Harvester
- Cooldown: 30s >>> 15s
- Root/Slow Duration: 1s >>> 1.5s
Ardent Censer
- Attack Speed granted: 30% >>> 40%
- On-Hit Damage: 20 >>> 25
- HP: 200 >>> 300
- AD: 0-50 >>> 55
Locket of the Iron Solari
- Shield Amount: 400-1000 >>> 600-1200
- Cooldown: 45s >>> 30s
- Attack Speed: 15% >>> 25%
Kraken Slayver
- 35 AD >>> 40 AD
Ionian Boofs of Lucidity
- Movement Speed: 30 >>> 45
LoL Arena Item Nerfs
Ultimately, we arrive at the concluding nerfs within LoL Patch 13.16. Given the considerable alterations made to the Arena mode this time, it's a relief that Riot is implementing only two item nerfs for the Arena.
Radiant Virtue
- Periodic Heal: 6% Max HP >>> 4% Max HP
- Proc % Max HP Damage: 8% >>> 7%
So there we have it, all upcoming Lol Arena Mode changes in the upcomimg Patch, 3.16
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